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  1. Madflamethrower

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    and his husband too;)
  2. Madflamethrower

    Funny / Satire

    I need one of these for trespassers edit: found it and order placed...thanx for the idea @wittaj !!
  3. Madflamethrower

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Just saw this thread for the 1st time and it was very much informative. Thank you OP!! I was on the verge of forgetting to go with fiber for my 600' driveway, even though wittaj highly suggested it. 2 reasons...having to farm out the terminations and the fiber install guys from Frontier internet...
  4. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    @TonyR I tried searching for your Noobs Basic Networking thread, but didn't find it. Do you have a link as I'd be interested in reading it. You along with several others here post some very useful info that I always take the time to read, no matter how long it is. I checked my file of saved...
  5. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    I try to as there is much to learn still. Its those little details like what you posted that get my attention. :)
  6. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    You threw me a curve for a min. Thought it was something new lol
  7. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    good to know...thanx! I knew about ipconfig for clearing dns btw...I assume you meant ipconfig? ipcong doesn't do jack...I tried lol
  8. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    I'm not sure which router the OP has, but Xfinity/Comcast no longer allows customers to access the router settings. Even with the app, there are limited functions you can change. With a new router, all your devices reset and you have to reinstall all of them. I wonder if thats why you had...
  9. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    Not faulting you OP, but your situation is EXACTLY why I am avoiding hiring anyone to do my install/setup. They lock YOUR system access with a password so only they can make any changes, which equals more $$$. F that!! There is a fairly steep learning curve to these cameras and setting up the...
  10. Madflamethrower

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    I did the same last summer after I discovered there was no positive benefit for me, only negative from taking them. My records also show I am now pre-diabetic, which I believe is related to taking statins. No more for this guy, no matter what they say. I'll keep that tip in mind when I next...
  11. Madflamethrower

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Here in CT, I am thoroughly enjoying seeing Tong, Blumenthal and Murphy squirm uncontrollably. They think they have a fighting chance against DJT, but even a prayer won't help them with that battle.
  12. Madflamethrower

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    One of several shining moments of this Inauguration is to witness Bidumph and Kamalass sit there and eat crow...FJB!!
  13. Madflamethrower

    LAWYER: How to Stop Cops From COVERING Your Porch CameraHampton Law

    I went down the rabbit hole with that atty. Good stuff to know from this guy.
  14. Madflamethrower

    Cams / NVR Arrived - Have I Made a Mistake :-/

    There was some good info in this thread that I actually understood and can use. Not long ago, I was in the same boat as the OP and like...huh?? lol Thanks @machineageage for this thread and the others for the easy to understand replies
  15. Madflamethrower

    Malibu Fires

    The only aid those trucks are capable of is for when a hibachi gets too hot at a tailgate party. I grew up in CA and left for the east coast in the late 70's with much regret. I returned 10 years later with the intention of moving back, which I never did. That was an eye opening experience to...
  16. Madflamethrower

    New Install - Need Recommendations

    Spend some time reading here. I too wanted to go wireless for the lower level of my unlit 600' driveway. But it didn't take me long to understand why wifi is not the answer. Esp if Dori is important to you. Now I am making plans for the required equip and running the wiring underground for 3...
  17. Madflamethrower

    Has it been slow here lately?

    Could be that VSS are becoming so common, some of the thieves are finally realizing their chances of not getting caught are next to none.
  18. Madflamethrower

    Has it been slow here lately?

    Don't be so sure. ;)I've been busy reading instead of asking Q's that have been asked countless times
  19. Madflamethrower

    Malibu Fires

    With a flamethrower...give em a taste of their own medicine
  20. Madflamethrower

    Can I use NVR to detect animals?

    I can't help with your question, but maybe consider a game camera? They're reasonably priced and you can record video or still shots to a micro sd card. Viewable on your PC or phone as well, with instant notification. I have 5 Spypoint cameras placed around my property for wildlife.
  21. Madflamethrower

    Malibu Fires

    From another forum and not my words, but it fits the situation... "This morning- before the winds, the news was doing their normal doom & gloom warning that fires today were inevitable due to the Santa Ana winds. Then Newsom came on warning us that a spark would be a disaster if the winds came...
  22. Madflamethrower

    Stack video frames to enhance face and catch Truck Thief?

    Yes, but what got my attention here and I should have clarified, was the 150' distance and the suggestion of exposure correction. And with wittaj's and bigredfish's usual comments, it helped understand what it took to get what the OP needed. I can appreciate what each different camera is capable...
  23. Madflamethrower

    Stack video frames to enhance face and catch Truck Thief?

    Excellent tutorial :thumb: with specific camera ID to read plates at a distance. For that alone I thank you as it will aid me in setting up what I hope to achieve.
  24. Madflamethrower

    FEMA is Worthless and the US Government is a Fucking Joke

    Seriously? WTF is the matter with those clowns. If my house or land was gone/destroyed, they can KMA if they think I'm paying taxes for something MIA that no longer exists. What are they gonna do, foreclose and sell a pile of mud at auction? I must be missing something...
  25. Madflamethrower

    Why I am finally upgrading cameras

    What I was using turned out to be unreliable. One sensor or the other would go dead and then came back to life. So I returned it. I ordered a Guardline that is good for a 1/4 mile, which fits the bill. It has great reviews, so I'll give it a shot. Arrived today, so tomorrow I'll put the...
  26. Madflamethrower

    Why I am finally upgrading cameras

    No lol, while they were a possibility early on, it didn't take me long to see they were no better than what I have now. That level of camera doesn't even come close to performing like I want. Dahua or Hikvision are all I'm interested in now
  27. Madflamethrower

    Why I am finally upgrading cameras

    I like what I see, and if I'm understanding correctly, the 5 series will give what I'm after for long range
  28. Madflamethrower

    Why I am finally upgrading cameras

    That snow pic is what I'm used to seeing at night clarity wise. In fact for me, it doesn't look that bad. Better you than me with the snow tho. lol No real snow for us yet, just a couple dustings. Its the cold and wind that's getting a bit much. But winter is far from over, so who knows what...
  29. Madflamethrower

    Why I am finally upgrading cameras

    Got it. understood that much and notes taken. Thanx! Yes the curve is approx the mid point so 300' either direction. But has you said, exact #s matter. However if I place the posts for the cams up on the uphill side of the driveway, the evergreens would block a clear line of sight
  30. Madflamethrower

    Why I am finally upgrading cameras

    I remember you saying the distance limitations, sorry a little hard to keep up with all this right now...too many irons in the fire. I WANT that IR distance, so would running a separate pwr line be sufficient? Or would a nano station? I remember you mentioning that, but forgot what the specific...