Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

The more we learn about vitamin D the more important it becomes, and many are deficient in it.

"In humans, low vitamin D levels were correlated with tumor development, and gene signatures of vitamin D activity were associated with improved patient responses to immunotherapy."

This article may be a little longer than my attention span but I've spent hundreds of hours reading about statins, cholesterol, heart disease, so I want no part of statins (I was on them at one time). I thought it was very inventive for someone to test effectiveness of statins vs Oreos.

"But alas—firmly revealing the absurdity of the scheme to keep Americans unhealthy on statins—a recent study published on January 22, 2024, has demonstrated that Nabisco’s toxic Oreo Cookies are two times more effective at lowering LDL cholesterol (the one they say is “bad”) than high-intensity statin drugs. Holy smokes… what?"

THANK YOU, will read...I just stopped two decades of statin usage from my heart Doctor visit at the end of last year. My plan is to test in 6 months to see where I stand, but probably will rid myself of them. I have noticed no more muscle craps since I got off them. I read an article that had a list of side effects found caused by statins. Dementia being at the top had me think hard about if I were to put my wife through this terrible disease. I would rather die of a heart attack instead of putting the family through that. My mother ended up in a Memory Care for her last 3 years. Then add kidney problems, type 2 diabetes, also on that list.

Really sick of all these Professional Drug Pushers these days. Read where at 50, the avg. man takes 5 pills a day. Pill Pushers are on my bad list now. If living longer brings results like being a Joe Biden, I opt. for Heaven sooner...
Doc put me on Lipitor 2 years ago. I quite taking them about 6 months ago. I still list them on my drugs at the doc office just to keep them off my ass
There is one med that I absolutely MUST have and two more that I am taking because the positives outweigh the negatives. That said, the cardiologist tried and tried to push me on one that I just won't take. Added to that, the operation that they insist I will die very soon if I don't get (since 2017), and people wonder why I hate doctors...
Doc put me on Lipitor 2 years ago. I quite taking them about 6 months ago. I still list them on my drugs at the doc office just to keep them off my ass
I did the same last summer after I discovered there was no positive benefit for me, only negative from taking them. My records also show I am now pre-diabetic, which I believe is related to taking statins. No more for this guy, no matter what they say. I'll keep that tip in mind when I next visit a Dr office. <Thumbs up>
A long long long time ago, I read a study that was the basis of the "need for reduced Cholesterol"
in people. The study was cherry-picked medical records from some Scandinavian country. Just like the
study that cigarettes with asbestos filters were "healthier"! Creation with the Rachel Carson's book
"Silent Spring", (Oh GOD eagle eggs are getting thinner from DDT) the EPA. Cholesterol lowering
drugs were BS! I have even had a heated debate with my Doctor over the BS.( I bet he eats margarine)

Now it's great that people are waking up from the BS we have been fed by some "Bad Hombres".
I have even had a heated debate with my Doctor over the BS
Haha, same here. My doc told me my cholesterol was high. I thought he was gonna have a stroke when I told him I was not concerned!
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There comes a point in your life, where you get to a certain age, where you make an informed decision and to say to your doc that I understand your directions but I am not going to follow them. I understand the risks involved, but I want the remaining few years of my life to be fun and I am not going to live them in fear of what might happen. I will eat what I want (obviously within reason), exercise how much I want, and drink what I want.
Doc put me on Lipitor 2 years ago. I quite taking them about 6 months ago. I still list them on my drugs at the doc office just to keep them off my ass
Yeah, thinking of doing the same with statin. When I was borderline diabetic, the Doc keep prescribing Metformin, I never filled the prescriptions since I can control it with proper diet. So even though i got my A1C down, they still push the drug...sad...
There comes a point in your life, where you get to a certain age, where you make an informed decision and to say to your doc that I understand your directions but I am not going to follow them. I understand the risks involved, but I want the remaining few years of my life to be fun and I am not going to live them in fear of what might happen. I will eat what I want (obviously within reason), exercise how much I want, and drink what I want.
Agreed, I watched my grandparents in the late 80s having to stop eating the foods they have loved and ate all their life because of high sodium. Both made it to their 90s. WTF. Why do that to people in their last years. Especially at that age, don't you think it is too late for change. Kinda like telling a 80 year old they need to start working out by some young doctor, lol Why do we listen to these Practicing Medicine Drug Pushers, ON US, guys?

Only thing I will continue to take is Losartan Potassium to help keep my blood pressure down, which I may get off of one day too. This one I can tell works for me, I have got off of it a few times and saw the increase in pressure. I believe that high blood pressure is or can be a killer. I think of a high pressure line, pushing a pump too much, she will blow...or blow gaskets. Also, believe to much salt is bad, too much sugar, etc. I watched my single Dad eat frozen dinners, very high in sodium, he always had swollen ankles...

I am the only fat guy out here in the country, haha, most guys are thin with their wife's twice their size, lol
Agreed, I watched my grandparents in the late 80s having to stop eating the foods they have loved and ate all their life because of high sodium. Both made it to their 90s. WTF. Why do that to people in their last years. Especially at that age, don't you think it is too late for change. Kinda like telling a 80 year old they need to start working out by some young doctor, lol Why do we listen to these Practicing Medicine Drug Pushers, ON US, guys?

Only thing I will continue to take is Losartan Potassium to help keep my blood pressure down, which I may get off of one day too. This one I can tell works for me, I have got off of it a few times and saw the increase in pressure. I believe that high blood pressure is or can be a killer. I think of a high pressure line, pushing a pump too much, she will blow...or blow gaskets. Also, believe to much salt is bad, too much sugar, etc. I watched my single Dad eat frozen dinners, very high in sodium, he always had swollen ankles...

I am the only fat guy out here in the country, haha, most guys are thin with their wife's twice their size, lol
My mom loved sweet stuff and my sister would criticize her which I found a little ridiculous so I would joke with my mom and tell her she better stop with the sweets or your gonna cut your life short - she was 92 when she passed away.
My mom loved sweet stuff and my sister would criticize her which I found a little ridiculous so I would joke with my mom and tell her she better stop with the sweets or your gonna cut your life short - she was 92 when she passed away.
I know I don't know my final hour but God please take me before I get to 90. I am already having a hard time in my 60s. Yesterday had to fix a water pipe that separated. Stupid thing only had a 1/4 inch glue in the other pipe's coupling. Anyway, this pipe was deep in our woods. Took as long to get to and from the pipe than to fix it. My arms are all cut up from the thicket, should of wore long sleeves. I am too old for this :), but glad we have our water back. We waited till the afternoon the day before for a pipe to unfreeze (so we thought) until I finally checked the meter. Sure enough it was spinning like crazy so the hunt was on for a leak, not easy walking down our 10 acres in heavy forest but, thank God that He added sound to running water. That is how I found it. Not sure why He forgot to add smell to gas though :), one of my questions for Him when I get to Heaven, haha.

The Pipe I cut out...only 1/4" was in other pipe's coupling, you can see with this primer glue ring. I was able to reuse the other pipe's coupling since it was clean with no glue inside...

View attachment Pipe_leak.mp4

Sorry for going :offtopic:
Stupid thing only had a 1/4 inch glue in the other pipe's coupling.
My house, new construction when I bought it, has a 100 amp buried line to a shop (in PVC conduit). The top of the conduit is about 6" deep, a code violation I believe, and I found by accident a ~1" open gap between pipe sections. The conduit is also full of tiller gouges from when the grass was put in.
My house, new construction when I bought it, has a 100 amp buried line to a shop (in PVC conduit). The top of the conduit is about 6" deep, a code violation I believe, and I found by accident a ~1" open gap between pipe sections. The conduit is also full of tiller gouges from when the grass was put in.
That is a tough one since the pipe is filled with cable. Maybe some kind of wrap repair? With water pipe, there are many options to repair.

Thinking of replacing some of the PVC pipe with Pex, insulated for outdoor or just install it in PVC, don't know yet. Like this...
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