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  1. K

    Different settings for Day/Night

    That day/night settings only work for scheduled switch, right? I doubt it works for auto switch.
  2. K

    Different settings for Day/Night

    I think DS-2CD4xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, etc are smart series. They are ip.
  3. K

    Different settings for Day/Night

    Thanks nayr. Sunrise/sunset time could work to some extend. However, in sunny days, I think the cameras don't switch to IR mode until a lone time after sunset. Similar issue with sunrise. That's why I'd like to rely on the auto day/night switch. And the only way I've found to detect if they...
  4. K

    Different settings for Day/Night

    I have a few smart series cameras. Can I have different settings for day and night? e.g. turning WDR off for day, but on for night. So far, the only way I found is writing a script to call ISAPI, capture a picture, check if it is a gray scale image (means IR is on) and then apply some...