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  1. P

    Unable to access HikVision camera via browser

    You have to use onvif to get the streams, and you have to get the password for it to work. I haven't worked on dumping the firmware since I got the password, but the cameras have been sitting in a box.
  2. P

    IR filter fall - PTZ

    For what it is worth that filter is very very lightweight ... and it cantilevered into position. So any hard jar will move it (depending on orientation. Some slide up/down, some pivot. Pivot is cheaper I'd expect. Somewhere I've got photos of one I took apart to put in an IR PASS filter.
  3. P

    IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 LPR from 137 feet

    Not too bad on zoom, say 90%, and the iris was set to about 30 to 50%; i'll be checking. Maybe I have a screen cap that can show the focus process.
  4. P

    IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 LPR from 137 feet

    I still don't understand why it won't achieve focus during the day though. I mean- middle of the day, sun coming straight down- and it can't focus a single time. It's frustrating more than anything I've dealt with.
  5. P

    IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 LPR from 137 feet

    I don't believe so- the switch is on an UPS and it is loud as ... well, you know. Nothing in the UPS logs indicate a reboot either... but who really knows. Well, F-me. Detailed Information Time:2021-07-25 03:14:03Username:SystemType:Event BeginContent:Ethernet Card: eth0Event Type: Off-line...
  6. P

    IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 LPR from 137 feet

    This camera is really starting to piss me off. Last night my neighbors vehicle got wrecked- drunk slammed into it. Looks to be about 5-7k worth of damage, easily. Camera was properly focused at 0100. at 0300 when it happened, it's all out of focus. WTF? What the hell is wrong with this camera...
  7. P

    VCSEL IR Laser 850nm illuminator for long distance spot IR 250+ ft

    Curious- how are you turning your IR illuminator on @Bitslizer ? I need to keep mine on past twilight / morning- it's turning off too soon. I could wire it to a smart switch, but I'd really rather use an alarm (but that would entail modifying the cable coming out of the unit to bypass/solder in...
  8. P

    Question about Empire Technology Co.

    Just bought a week ago. Camera arrived 4 days later. No issues with any purchases.
  9. P

    Z12E NAS or Local, not both?

    I haven't run into this before- I can either select the NAS or local storage, but not both. If I unselect one option (alarm), I can't enable that on another storage medium. My NAS path is over 32 characters, but that has always been 'fixable' via Mozilla code inspector (changing 32 to 64...
  10. P

    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    Look as if I'll be taking advantage of this too. My camera only focuses 'near'- anything less than 'near' is out of focus- massively so. Autofocus fails at all ranges... it would be funny if it wasn't brand new. as an aside, it seems to only let me local OR NAS, not both. That's... new?
  11. P

    Need Help tweaking HFW5231E-Z12 for night @ 240ft

    That's awesome! Honest, more is better. It's better for LEDs, lower power consumption, higher efficiency ... everything is better with more. .. and honest, if something out ... assuming they're wired correctly (With/without bypass diodes) more is more robust. Knowing the pcb, no, they...
  12. P

    VCSEL IR Laser 850nm illuminator for long distance spot IR 250+ ft

    Since you're a good POC now (haha!) if you would ask, I would like more beams run at less power. I know the circuit he's got in the back end there and shiver while it's OK, there's a reason laser power supplies have a few more components. The chip is the standard one used in most of those IR...
  13. P

    Need Help tweaking HFW5231E-Z12 for night @ 240ft

    Sorry, I meant to say I used red for testing purposes due to being 'eye safe' blink- was much easier to visualize the beam pattern. However I should have just stuck with lasers out of pointers because they were a hell of a lot better beam shapes than the malformed junk I got for 'specialty' ones.
  14. P

    Need Help tweaking HFW5231E-Z12 for night @ 240ft

    I went to build the laser. It sucked. Did with a 660nm red one because it was easier. Beam pattern was nasty. I had some holographic glass lenses to do beam spreading and refocus but, honest, it was just awful all around. I should give it a go, new lenses came in but I didn't have time yet to do...
  15. P

    Need Help tweaking HFW5231E-Z12 for night @ 240ft

    I did a teardown on the tendelux, but I don't know if I ever put it up. The potting was excellent. That only counted as a negative because I wanted to put in long range TIR lenses. The driver was attached to the heat sink and the seals were good. The screws were a little ginchy but, ehhh, still...
  16. P

    Need Help tweaking HFW5231E-Z12 for night @ 240ft

    I really regret buying the tendex one then. I mean, don't get me wrong- I like it, and it's done well up in the roof top... but it's still out there. And my hacked together 12VAC to 12VDC regulator is still working, thank god...
  17. P

    Need Help tweaking HFW5231E-Z12 for night @ 240ft

    My illuminator was potted- couldn't swap out the lenses. Are you saying yours wasn't poured with potting material to weather proof it??
  18. P

    Cheap China camera no web interface ?

    I had to dig pretty hard but I ended up finding passwords for a couple of ezvid cameras that didn't have any web interface. Depending on how much work you want to do, find out who makes the camera (really makes the camera) then hunt around on internet for default passwords.
  19. P

    Firmware for Dahua IPC-HDW4433C-A

    Well, it was 'english' so... don't know. I've got a dump of the whole firmware somewhere. Been meaning to look at it with 'all my free time'. ....
  20. P

    Firmware for Dahua IPC-HDW4433C-A

    At the console you can set various flags, including telling the device it has onboard memory or is a different region. I found it interesting.
  21. P

    Exploring the Hik G3 Family and maybe gain shell!

    Still amazed. I wish I still had the patience and the skills. It's been decades.
  22. P

    Watchdata EMV chips in R6, G0 and other cameras

    OK so I have desoldered the RAM chip and dumped it. I have purchased a programmer (i need to get a swapped one) and a solderable 'socket' to put said ram chip in. Going to grab a few more of the same spec chips and burn the same FW to them.
  23. P

    EZViz Camera: CS-CV110-A1, photos, passwords...

    I don't have SD cards in any of these cameras... nor did I ever find a firmware file update for them, but I did get a new chip to solder onto the board so I may give it another go (with all my free time)
  24. P

    Firmware for Dahua IPC-HDW4433C-A

    Its interesting. You can set the feature flag from the recovery /serial console, and it sticks. So you can define your camera however you want.
  25. P

    Not recording in 4K Resolution from 265+ Stream Hickvision

    It really sounds like a sub stream is being displayed/recorded. Can you look at the settings in the camera to see if there is a sub stream option enabled? A 2:2 or 4:4 decimation is very fast to do in silicon and would certainly explain that look.
  26. P

    Need help turning off IR

    No, you're doing it right. I had to install it once, and every now and then (as I shift cameras) I might have to do it again. But after that it sticks for a long while. I did pull down a 'newer' version from the web and that seemed to 'stick' for a bit too, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't...
  27. P

    Need help turning off IR

    Seconded here- I use IETab and it works PERFECTly. Every now and then I'll have to reinstall the stuff but for the most part it works far better than ie does itself. And definitely worth paying for. I don't know for sure it'll solve your problem, but it at least will make...
  28. P

    My UPS Caught Fire Last Night

    The UPS doesn't have to burn like a LiIon- there are plenty of other items that'll catch fire. I posted mine where the inductor smoothing cap, an aluminum one, slagged and melted. The FR4 board burned, the fuses burned, the resistors burned. The battery and power continued to work- supplying the...
  29. P

    PTZ fails after automatic upgrade

    I think I Have the same camera, just plugged it in- was delayed 4 months due to COVID. All in Chinese, unfortunately, but I'll update if I find anything.
  30. P

    PC-NVR for Dahua or ?

    sigh. I said it was user error. I said I bought BI. I said all that, OK? Yes yes yes, you're right. 100%. The cameras are triggering properly for motion but BI isn't. 100% my fault. I don't have time to futz with it though anymore, especially remotely over RDP. Now, can we get back to my...