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  1. T

    Mobile access to a BI v4

    Tnx for reply ! Its the app, whitch wants first and last digits of ser nr. Im aware of the sertificate but when the cert is to old the push dont work but its possible to connect and view. And the Ipad where I had the connected before is working.. Would be updated cert there also. The UI is...
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    Mobile access to a BI v4

    Hi there ! I have multiple BI v5 servers and i have a old v4 that I can access from a IPAD but its not possible from a new Iphone. Its within LAN so its not about remote access and possible problems with that. I fill in the server credentials IP and port and serial nr, no success. The user/pass...
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    Switching from VPN to Port Forwarding.

    Buy a new ASUS router as they only give newer firmware supports Wireguard to AX routers . Wireguard is much better ! Less settings and much faster to connect and also more stabile for mobile use. If I connect my phone its still connected after a week... during changes of the networks...
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    How do you access your BluIris ?

    Use RDP for adjusting/change but for monitoring use the webbserver UI3 as mention before change RDP update freq when rdp’ing and also the ”view” framerate to save CPU. thats how i view my machines by phone/ipad/laptop/desktop. The UI3 is powerful and smart.
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    Import cameras from a older registred version to a new registred version, only cameras not other settings.

    Yes its running stabile! Ni problem at all, but the updates is not available after 1 year and the IPhone certificate needs renewal. The price for ext support is almost as a new license so i build a new virtuel instance.. Now i have multiple instances.. Next time i Will extend the support.
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    Import cameras from a older registred version to a new registred version, only cameras not other settings.

    Ok, tnx will try that. Instead of buy a extended licences i buy a new licens then i have old systems to play with but its frustrating to rebuild totaly every year and a half. Easy done as its virtualized. But each time ist getting better Brgds
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    Import cameras from a older registred version to a new registred version, only cameras not other settings.

    Tnx for quick answer ! Ok, thats what I was afraid of doing then i'l just do it the manual way. Brgds
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    Import cameras from a older registred version to a new registred version, only cameras not other settings.

    Hi ! I have some BI machines running just for test, and want to import a lot of cameras from a old version. Only cameras, no other setting as they may differ from the old version to the new version. Is there a way to do that without getting the serial number and other settings included ? I'm...
  9. T

    Recommendation for Equipment for 24 Simultaneous Cameras with Recording.

    And 15 fps is more than needed for recording, use 10 fps its enough. Also check the display live update fps... settings,cameras, "limit live preview fps" to 10 .. that make a lot of difference in cpu load. Brgds TheSwede
  10. T

    Monitoring an area with power but no internet

    Yes it is since it is lower freq and more ”power”/penetrating. I guess its less crowded than 2.4 and 5ghz. 2.4 is out of question as a link freq today. A picture would be good to see the surrounding.
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    Monitoring an area with power but no internet

    what it means is that it has to be some space around the Line of sight. And is it short distance it Will work fine throu trees as example.
  12. T

    Monitoring an area with power but no internet

    That link cost more than 4G camera. Do you have a BlueIris server ? read about fresnel zones on Wi-Fi links, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesent due to fresnel zones even If there is a slight of free sight. Try and good luck.
  13. T

    Monitoring an area with power but no internet

    The easiest for you is to buy a 4G camera, i have that as a wildlife camera and works quite good. If you should build a link you must have line of sight, if you go by 4G modem you need a public ip address and a vpn server and a videoserver /Blueiris. Have a look at Reolink Go, thats what i...
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    Blue Iris UI3

    Also in Sthlm.
  15. T

    i7 4770K vs i5 10500T

    I bought a I9-10850 2xNvme 128g ram as a dedicated virtual server only for BI ;) and its running smooth of course. It costed a little but the month after its just pure fun and also saves a lot of energy campares to the prior one. No i dont use HW accelleration, runs fine with just horsepower...
  16. T

    Hit And Run Captured By My Camera

    Good job !!! Its a pity that its not allowed in Sweden, would have helped the police a lot (and we/they need it !!!) Brgds TheSwede
  17. T

    Turret camera mic question

    No difference pointing up or down, but its more directive than I thought it would be, strange though. And as Looneytoons said, important to turn off noise reduction as it gets very distorted with that on ! /TheSwede
  18. T

    Reolink is a joke

    I tried a lot of cameras...... Ended up with Dahua and no problems since. No more rebooting, lost the fixed ip, default setting or just bad picture during night/ir. And EmpireTecAndy delivers worldwide FAST, impressing ! BlueIris and Dahua ... Happy life :) Just works, no hassle. (Still...
  19. T

    Blue Iris down this morning - "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"

    I ment Blue iris updates . What happend to me was when listing events it took som time and then ”Nothing to show”and a hang.
  20. T

    Blue Iris down this morning - "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"

    I had similar problems, a restart and some recent updates seems to heal that. During the problematic time its good to have a old v4 running same cameras at another place via vpn as backup ;-) Brgds TheSwede
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    Hello from Brisbane

    Hi and welcome ! Buy a varifocal, you always want to charge the view later on and they are great. Big lens with a god light reception. Its just money, you get new(more) next month Good cameras don’t get old. Brgds TheSwede
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    New member with a question

    Ok, then let the Halogen/Leds be triggerd by the traffic. And some ultrasonic sunds at the same time then they will have the dog inside after a while.
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    New member with a question

    Put some flags or advertisement flags at your front and some wrong installed halogenlamps that triggers from whatever.... or a timer every 10 minutes. Annoying is fun when needed
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    New member with a question

    To trigger them its a PIR pointing forward. So it is possible to sneak up from behind. It not Wi-Fi its 3/4/5G to a cloudservice. A have these in the forrest to see animals. /TheSwede
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    New member with a question

    Its hard to say by the picture. Try sneak from behind so you don't trigger the PIR and have a closer look. Is it on your land/soil/area? If it has a antenna, it send the picture of you removing it, if not remove it and take a look on the memory card inside of the person who mounted it. If it...
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    VCSEL IR Laser 850nm illuminator for long distance spot IR 250+ ft

    ”They tested the lasers on 30 healthy volunteers” , healthy. before or after...? the eye may fool us, i tested some laserpointers years ago and the lowerpower red burned balloons but the much brigther green did not. Even when i tried to focus it more exact.
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    VCSEL IR Laser 850nm illuminator for long distance spot IR 250+ ft

    Interesting ! i bought som optical Bandpass filters for 850nm that is rather selektive. Pointed at the sun and its full spectra its is completely black to the eye. I will give it a try on these lasers when i get them in a month or so.
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    VCSEL IR Laser 850nm illuminator for long distance spot IR 250+ ft

    Ok about vertical Missed wittajs question also. I thought the red glow was due to ”unclean” led chemistry so the wawelength had a small portion of visible red but laser was only the desired frequensy/wavelength. I mean broader Spectrum or harmonics. It dissapears when i decrease the current...
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    Hi and welcome ! Everybody here wants better picture, higher FPS, lower cpu, better nightvision, more cameras in new views.... So just join in :) Brgds TheSwede