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  1. M

    New build recommendations/ideas

    I am a long time BI user that hasn't done much customization but since the current PC is flaking out I built a new Franken-box with 64G RAM, an Intel 14th Gen processor (28 cpus) 1x1TB and 1x4TB M.2 SSD's and a Gigabyte 3060 video card, and thought I might explore AI. Yes, I know the hardware...
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    Uniview LightHunter IR Mini PTZ Dome (IPC6312LR-AX4-VG) experiences

    Has anyone had any experiences, good or bad, with this Uniview camera? I think Uniview is a rebrand that Nelly's is selling but I could be wrong. "UNV 2MP NDAA-Compliant LightHunter IR Mini PTZ Dome IP Security Camera (IPC6312LR-AX4-VG)"
  3. M

    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    I dropped the Bluecherry VM, stuck with Blueiris, and went on to break plenty of other stuff on my home network :). I liked the idea of running a linux camera server but I liked paying BI support $49/year even more than the hassle of switching and possibly paying more.
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    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    A few years ago I tried Bluecherry for a few months but not with any AI. Things were not always quite "polished". I contacted the devs about some issues and even gave them ssh access through my firewall to the Bluecherry VM so they could tinker and test. Seemed like there was always another...
  5. M

    How to ideally seal a cable hole in a 5" PVC camera mounting box?

    How long do you realistically think you will have that camera for? Newer models with neater features are coming out rather frequently ... how many years until your cam is EOL and no more software updates? I would think a properly sealed box will outlast the camera.
  6. M

    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    I am trying out Shinobi right now, thanks.
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    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    Hello and thanks for the suggestion. I use pfSense firewall and block all cameras from internet access and VPN in to view them live. I don't often find myself remotely looking at previously recorded video so thats not going to be a problem. I'll look at Frigate shortly.
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    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    An update on my bluecherry experience ... I installed the server component on an Ubuntu VM and the client on an Ubuntu desktop. I had a few problems configuring some cameras and the devs were very responsive. After a whirlwind of back and forth, and even punching a hole in my firewall for...
  9. M

    Amcrest cameras and Blue Iris

    I run Blueiris and 12 of my 16 cameras are Amcrest (IP4M-1041, IP4M-1190, IP5M-T1179E, and IP5M-1190), indoor and outdoor, purchased from Amazon, with the oldest purchased in Oct 2021. All are PTZ and they all run wired (no wifi) and have been fine for at least the past year. They are not POE...
  10. M

    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    Oops, forgot to comment on the BI docker suggestion... I read some time ago, maybe in camera forums, that the BI dev did not support a BI docker. Well, at least at that time. Not wanting to go too far out on a limb without some type of support, I decided to not go that route.
  11. M

    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    Thanks for the reply. I did look at Unraid a few years ago and had a bad experience (don't recall why now). TBH I actually started down my insane path with MS Windows Storage Server before they wrecked it. I now run one Synology array (only using it for NAS), and it backs up to a desktop PC...
  12. M

    Is there a Blue Iris equivalent for Linux?

    I see there has not been any new discussion on this topic in about a year... I too am interested in a Linux flavored NVR. I have used BI for several years and it does work fine on its Windows PC but I would like to explore a unix implementation, simply because I want to. I have been testing...
  13. M

    IP4M-1041B constantly trying to contact AWS, bug or deliberate?

    I have several IP4M-1041 cameras with manually set IP's and none of mine appear to be reverting to or keeping Google DNS IPs. They all took my pfsense IP for DNS and have not reverted. I have also seen the same activity on my "non cloud" cameras. The only legitimate reason I can think of that...
  14. M

    Amcrest IP5M-1190w Event Motion Detection (and Blueiris)

    Seems then I'm better off just using BI motion detection and skip the camera features.. Thanks.
  15. M

    Amcrest IP5M-1190w Event Motion Detection (and Blueiris)

    No idea. I just set the Sensitivity to high and walked around the car but the camera did not follow. Maybe I am invisible?
  16. M

    Amcrest IP5M-1190w Event Motion Detection (and Blueiris)

    Screen shots from the Web UI for the IP5M-1190W. Still tinkering with it but it appears to have the functionality. Or it just teases me?
  17. M

    Amcrest IP5M-1190w Event Motion Detection (and Blueiris)

    Has any Blueiris user tinkered with an Amcrest IP5M-1190W camera's Event > Smart Motion Detection? I typically just park this camera in one position and only use PT controls when I am looking at something live but today I had a "visitor" that looked like he was checking out my car to rip it off...
  18. M

    Amcrest IP5M-1190w mounting hack

    I don't know about you all but I find it a PITA to insert those teeny little screws to attach this camera (Amcrest IP5M-1190W) to it's mounting bracket while 12' in the air on an 8' ladder. My solution was to bend a paper clip flat and slide it through all holes then twist it up. Not classy...
  19. M

    UI3 changes view to camera that senses motion

    Thanks, that fixed it!
  20. M

    UI3 changes view to camera that senses motion

    I committed the unpardonable sin of fixing things that were not broke and making multiple changes at the same time and now my UI3 display keeps changing the camera view whenever a camera senses motion and is driving me nuts. I don't know if I did this in the UI settings on the web page or in BI...
  21. M

    UI3 click on camera shows wrong camera?

    Updating to fixed the issue. Weird how it was just that one browser on that one computer. Thanks!
  22. M

    UI3 click on camera shows wrong camera?

    Last weekend I built a new BI PC, installed BI version 5, pushed up to the latest stable update, activated/deactivated, imported my config, regenerated the database, and all is well on the new BI computer. My network is closed and BI is not exposed to the interwebs. I access the BI server via...
  23. M

    Opinion about Ash21

    Last weekend I tried to install a new ASH47 and it too was a PITA. I hit it with firefox and actually got a login prompt but fumbled the password soI decided to use their Smart Home App (I have their AD110 doorbell). I was able to set a password but apparently it does not play nice with http...
  24. M

    Recommendation for indoor PTZ POE camera ... to be used outdoors

    Cool find. Just bought it and should have it tomorrow. Unfortunately I won't have the weather to install it for another week! Thanks very much.
  25. M

    Recommendation for indoor PTZ POE camera ... to be used outdoors

    I have an Pelco outdoor camera housing that is heated/vented that had a Panasonic BB-HCM381A indoor camera working fine in it for about 10 years before it quit. I'm looking to replace the Panasonic with a new INDOOR PTZ camera, preferably with POE. I don't need an all-in-one outdoor PTZ camera...
  26. M

    What is a decent IP cam for my budget?

    Thanks sebastiantombs. You learn something new every day ... unless you're careful :)
  27. M

    What is a decent IP cam for my budget?

    And another thing ... If you can't connect your cameras with ethernet, and before you go to wifi, you might consider Powerline Adapters ...
  28. M

    What is a decent IP cam for my budget?

    Sorry, forgot to mut my 2 cents in on the PC vs. NVR. Sooner or later that NVR is going end of life, or a part will fail that cannot be replaced due to age, or its software will no longer be supported on that hardware then you're looking at a forklift replacement. BI has lasted me through 2...
  29. M

    What is a decent IP cam for my budget?

    Not sure if it was mentioned already but be sure to use both streams for your cameras in BI. Typically your cameras have two. Set the sub stream for 15FPS and the main stream for 20-30 or whatever the form suggests... (works for me but I'm sure some senior members will curb-slam me on that...
  30. M

    Multiple ftp servers?

    I just set up a 2nd FTP server for my clips. There are plenty of existing clips and new clips being generated that are being sent to the 1st configured FTP server but nothing is going to the 2nd server. I did "test" the new config and it works fine. Any ideas why the 2nd ftp configuration is...