Search results

  1. N

    2.8mm vs 3.6mm test

    Good morning (or evening, depending on where you are!). I currently have a couple Starlight -HDW5231R-Z cams up and running. I am looking at picking up a mini-wedge HDBW4231F-AS for use as a front door cam (shaded, covered porch area). As others have tried to determine, should I go 2.8 or 3.6...
  2. N

    Mini Dome/Wedge Wiring Question

    I will be getting a mini dome/wedge camera soon (namely, IPC-HDBW4231F-AS Starlight). Here is my wiring question for these wedge cameras. Is there enough space within the camera housing to keep the pigtail (and the ethernet connection coming from my home), or must the pigtail be routed outside...
  3. N

    Camera placement

    This is an image of my front porch as seen by my Ring doorbell cam. The porch area is roughly 5' wide and roughly 6' deep (deep being door to archway). Now, we like our Ring for what it is. But, I am going to be installing a Dahua cam in the porch area. My question is, how would you place the...