Search results

  1. B

    Multiple Profiles per camera?

    Hey guys, I have motion detection configured for a camera. Currently, if it detects any motion in view it records. I would also like to set up an email or text alert when motion is detected in a small specific area only. Is this done by setting up a second profile? Can two profiles be active...
  2. B

    UPS Suggestions

    Hey guys, I am looking to get a ups for my pc running bi and switch powering cameras. We constantly have power blips in my area and hate waiting to come home from work to power the pc back on. Anything you guys can recommend that is affordable.
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    Raspberry Pi as surveillance camera

    Have been wanting to try this with my rpi but the kids use it as a media center and won't let me touch it :sad2: Maybe its time to buy another. A cool, affordable project if any techies have free time on their hands...
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    Networx nx-8v2

    The home I live in has a GE Networx NX-8V2 system. We do pay for monitoring, which in my opinion is a waste of money. When ever an alarm is triggered it takes the monitoring company between 7-10 minutes to call. I was wondering if anyone knows a way or addon to have this system text my cell...
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    Mike from Ontario, Canada

    Hey Everyone, Not sure if any other Canadians have made it here yet. I am a just a home user. Running 2 Hikvision DS-2CD2032-I bullets with BI. Hoping to add another cam in my backyard soon.