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  1. Caspy

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    its the cruser 4k i just copyed the example above and it worked.. i cant get it to patrol or move between presets but im thinking it might not be a function of the camera.. but maybe someone in here can help me with that,,
  2. Caspy

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    it worked for me but i cant get it to auto patrol.. or cycle between presets....any thoughts
  3. Caspy

    blueiris and ring

    are blueiris and ring door bells compatable ?
  4. Caspy

    timed recording

    SOLVED: Went into the setting for the camera and in the schedules tab i selected the Camera Control Event Schedule and set Record Start/Stop for the times i want the camera to record.. works a treat
  5. Caspy

    timed recording

    Hi Can BI be set up to continuous record but only between the hours of say 2am till 9am each day ?
  6. Caspy

    wifi range

    is their any way to boost the wifi on ip cameras.. i would like to put a camera on the house across the street and get it on my home network... about 100 ft in range i would think... tia
  7. Caspy

    record time

    once the camera has been triggered it records.... when it stops recording their is a pause of 30 seconds before it resumes its patrol round the presets... how or where can i change that 30 second pause... thx
  8. Caspy

    BlueIris & Youtube Live Stream

    i would like to know this also.. how to embed a live streem into my site but using an iframe or some other way other than thre a 3rd party streeming site any ideas ?
  9. Caspy

    Info please

    got it worked out i think... thx
  10. Caspy

    Info please

    Where can i set how long BI records for when motion activates and recording starts
  11. Caspy

    BI Macros Question

    Would their be a full list of macros that work including in the OSD any where ?
  12. Caspy

    PTZ Error

    Hi i keep getting an error and i dono what it is and how to fix it.. the error is PTZ: 12002: /web/cgi-bin/hi3510/preset.cgi Could some one please explain what this is and how to fix it.. Thx Caspy
  13. Caspy

    ptz issues

    logged in as admin
  14. Caspy

    ptz issues

    hi folks just bought a tenvis JPT3815w-hd and im having some issues getting the ptz and other functions working in BI... i have video but no control what so ever... can someone please help with settings to get this working.. i have selected the correct model in PTZ/Control Network IP and still...
  15. Caspy

    BI Compatability

    Hi guys.. need some help.. going to get some new cameras but im not sure of the compatability with BI.. the following links are for the cameras im thinking about.. could someone please tell me if they will work with BI.. TIA
  16. Caspy

    Umwanted extenal connections

    Hi.. i got a problem with folk connectiong or trying to connect to my bi system... is their any way i can stop this appart from switching off the web server.. i dono who they are or where they are from but its geting to be a total pain.. tia
  17. Caspy

    Make and Break time

    Thx Fenderman, penny dropped
  18. Caspy

    Make and Break time

    yeah the help pages are great and have been most helpfull but for these 2 topics the penny just isnt dropping so i though i would ask here for more info on them.. thx
  19. Caspy

    Make and Break time

    Hi.. could some one please explain the Make and Break time. Im not getting it... also im not to sure about Colour+Brightness in the motion sensing section.. thx :wondering:
  20. Caspy

    Why a 30 minutes profile doesn´t start

    i have overcome this issue by making 2 presets the same for my profile 2 so i have 2 of the same image (front door) tick both boxes for your chosen presets... now the system thinks its moving between 2 presets but actualy what you see is one in the same.. i found when you only have 1 preset then...
  21. Caspy

    Help on Motion Trigger when camera Moves

    How do you create a clone camera ?
  22. Caspy

    Map joystick buttons

    I would like to see the same control over mapping for joystick as you do for keyboards
  23. Caspy

    Text Overlay

    Date, time and camera name is all my camera settings have as for OSD... i know you can get the last known preset to show in like the recordings file name using %n but as for using that on the OSD it does not do anything
  24. Caspy

    Please help! Advanced (?) scheduling question

    Cheers for the tip on the temp / hold thing.. i had and stil have no idea what its for but changing it seemed to work.. Did a quick test this morning when dropping th kids off at school.. all seemed to work as its ment.. changed to away when i left and to home when i got back.. just need to tidy...
  25. Caspy

    Please help! Advanced (?) scheduling question

    ok thx for the tips Here is what i have set up for one camera and one iphone 5 (untested) 2 Schedules: Geofence Home, Geofence Away 2 Profiles: Geo Home, Geo Away 2 sets of presets one for home and one for away when i enter the Geofence it should be on Geofence Home / Geo Home / Preset set 1...
  26. Caspy

    Please help! Advanced (?) scheduling question

    This is great.. i always wondered how this worked.. now i know and a big thx for sharing your info... my thoughts are now is how to set up a home / away schedule
  27. Caspy

    Xbox 360 Controller + Blue Iris

    I would like to use a PS3 controler on my BI setup using bluetooth.. i see that BI recognises the controler but nothing happens when i operate the controler
  28. Caspy

    Text Overlay

    Hi all. I was wanting to know if their is a way to have a text overlay to show the name of what ever preset the camera is pointing to.. so when the camera is moving threw the presets the name given to the preset shows onscreen