Search results

  1. mycoma

    Any 2 way audio cameras?

    Hello I have someone asking for cameras with 2 way audio, for when someone is at the front door, they can talk and hear the person. Does Empiretech have cameras, with mic and a speaker that would work with DMSS ? Thanks
  2. mycoma

    PT-cloud or port forward nvr?

    Hello I have a new LTS Nvr that supports pt cloud. Have some questions. Should I use PT-cloud on the nvr or port fwd nvr? For remote Internet access What ports are needed to port fwd the nvr? I see the lts cams also have pt cloud support, should I enable them also or not needed if using pt...
  3. mycoma

    Allocating Free Space on a new drive

    What is the recommended percentages for Clip folders New, Stored, and Alerts for my new D: drive as its a 4tb and has 3.63T Free? I have a a 446Gb ssd C: drive for Windows and BlueIris and its DB and the defaults were: old c: 10gb for c:\BlueIris\New 20gb for c:\BlueIris\Stored 1gb for...
  4. mycoma

    Looking for Optimal BI4 Clips and archive settings

    Hello looking for a little help. I'm running a new Windows 10 pc with BI4 and windows on the c: drive 250mb ssd and a d: drive that is 4TB. On what drive should I set the should I set the \BlueIris\New and \BlueIris\Storage to? What should the Limit folder size and Limit clip age be set to for...
  5. mycoma

    Looking to view Smoother video in BI 4

    Hello, I have noticed my BI4 clips are looking rather jerky on playback. What can I tune to get a Smoother video in BI 4 playback both locally and over the internet? I have 8 cams running at 15fps at 2mp on a core I7. 4590 dell 9020 pc. Thank You
  6. mycoma

    BI Capacity Questions

    With blue iris 4 , running on windows with an i7 4790 quad core 3.6ghz can I record and watch ,16- 3mp ip cams recording at 15fps? How many cams with direct to disk would be safe on this system? What Internet download and upload speed would be suitable to playback: 4 -3mp ip cams recording at...
  7. mycoma

    NVR PC with 4TB HD or NAS?

    Hello is anyone running a NVR PC with a HD for Windows and recording to NAS? What would be a good NAS to get for recording 4 or 6 3mp cameras? I have a Dell Optiplex 3020 with 4Gb ram, I5-4570,86W, 500GB hard drive running windows 8 im going to upgrade the HD to a 4TB but eventually I want a...
  8. mycoma

    Port forwarding internet camera viewing using NVR with POE ports

    Hello, I have a HIKvision DS-7604 SE/P, 4 built in poe ports. How do I setup port forwarding for remote viewing of the hik 2032 cams?? do I just forward the ip address of the cameras on 192.168.254 network to open 3 ports, even though the network that the nvr is on is I see the...
  9. mycoma

    Round junction boxes to mount DS-2CD2032-I Hikvision cameras

    Im looking for some round junction boxes to mount DS-2CD2032-I Hikvision cameras under my aluminum soffits on my garage and house. Has anyone seen them with cover plates that will fit this camera anywhere? If they are close I can modify the mounting holes. Thanks