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  1. D

    Re-analyse existing clips

    Ok, thanks, that was it! The next issue now is that it seems to crash BI :(... (I saw it working once, the second try I activated AI and now it crashes every time)
  2. D

    Re-analyse existing clips

    I thought I saw sometime ago that is was possible to re-analyse clips with motion detection or AI. Did I remember correctly and if so, how can I do it (seems my AI service was failing for some time, so I would like to know if I can re-analyse the clips)? I searched for some time but could not...
  3. D

    5.6.2 - September 23, 2022

    AI is more integrated now
  4. D

    Compare camera settings

    Thanks for the tip! When using the shift click option, it still saves a .reg file, but you can open it as a text file and it is in readable format.
  5. D

    Compare camera settings

    Since a week or so, one of my camera's was not giving any Alerts anymore. I tried to manually compare to another camera with the same settings, but I could not find anything to make it work. I then just exported the second camera and changes the IP and it worked again. Is there any way I could...
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    5.2.2 - March 20, 2020 Intel hardware H.265 decodingand H.264 encoding

    To be clear: I see " New Intel" the same as you: in the general settings and not in the camera settings.
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    5.2.2 - March 20, 2020 Intel hardware H.265 decodingand H.264 encoding

    I'm not sure what changed, but now I'm getting much lower CPU usage, even with GPU decoding off? I first tried with GPU decoding and H.264, very low CPU usage, then changed all my camera's to H.265, still very low CPU usage (6 camera's, only about 6-8% CPU usage) I still see New Intel in the...
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    5.2.2 - March 20, 2020 Intel hardware H.265 decodingand H.264 encoding

    I got almost the same results, except for the fact that H.265 HW decoding did not work for any option (so not for NVIDIA). So I reverted back now to H.264 till HW decoding is fixed for H.265. I also tried setting all cameras to Default and then setting the decoding type in the general settings...
  9. D

    5.0.3 - New Edge Vector Motion Algorithm

    What I tried is to just make a copy of 1 camera and enable basic on the original and edge vector on the copy. So I can easily compare the 2 methods. For now, it seems for me edge vector is still missing too many movements of people (it also reduces the false positives).
  10. D

    Trigger blue iris with IVS?

    Does this IVS setup in BI also work for your 5231R-Z (I have 2 5231R-ZE)?
  11. D

    Blue Iris UI3

    Thanks for your explanation!
  12. D

    Blue Iris UI3

    Since you added a new option, I expected to see this in the GUI, but I could not find it, that's why I asked the question. Is the option not yet available in version 28?
  13. D

    Blue Iris UI3

    I can only see the option HTML5 or Javascript in version 28 (using Firefox), is this correct?
  14. D

    Blue Iris UI3

    I am new here and I must say that I really like the new UI! The only thing I wonder about is why you are using javascript to decode the H.264 video. I am not an expert, but I guess there must be some standard way of showing H.264 video in a browser (HTML5?)?