Search results

  1. Aruth01

    Here with a noise nuisance goal in NC

    I'm not a lawyer but IMO Small Claims Court isn't going to do you any good unless you have a loss you can document the price of. Maybe animal control can help. And even if you can get a few bucks for some kind of damages or get rid of the dogs you will still be stuck with the owners and they...
  2. Aruth01

    Camera Recommendation for Chicken Coop

    The camera we used isn't what you want (does anybody remember X-10?) but we learned a few things. As you probably know, nothing is clean in a chicken coop and even in a high corner it got filthy. It was a more demanding situation than I expected because even during the day the lighting was poor...
  3. Aruth01

    How to keep an 'always on' BI PC safe

    The fans in PC's work just like little vacuum cleaners to suck in dust and it builds up everywhere. It makes the fans less efficient and blocks airflow where you need it. The power supply is especially bad because the dust is inside the box of the power supply and not easy to blow out. If you...
  4. Aruth01

    What to do about trespassers?

    It could also adversely affect your financial future. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure this is asking to be sued (successfully) by a bad guy who claims you're the reason for his bad back.
  5. Aruth01

    Worth getting new DVR as temporary fix?

    Thanks for all the replies and thanks for the offer, pal251. This is looking like one of those times when the best thing to do is nothing until I can do it right and for now that's what I'll do - nothing, Well not exactly nothing. I have a few Harbor Freight driveway alarms that have served...
  6. Aruth01

    Worth getting new DVR as temporary fix?

    You've been there too?
  7. Aruth01

    Worth getting new DVR as temporary fix?

    Thank you for the reply. It's not the money, it's the timing. I can put another DVR on that shelf and have it running in 15 minutes. I would have liked at least a couple of weeks to work through all the options for a new system and install it, and I should be doing other things right now. I...
  8. Aruth01

    Worth getting new DVR as temporary fix?

    I want to replace my DVR system but I didn't want to do it today. However, it died and I don't see an obvious way to bring it back to life. If I buy a new DVR now will I be able to use it to integrate some of my coax-connected cameras into a Blue Iris IP system later? We're pretty rural here...
  9. Aruth01

    New old guy

    Is it true the Cray would do an infinite loop in 2 1/2 minutes?
  10. Aruth01

    New old guy

    You don't have me by much. Too old to work in some of the places I have to work in. No, but we're old enough to have learned some things that a lot of younger people should know. "I don't know everything, but I know more than anybody younger than I am." That's my quote but you are all...
  11. Aruth01

    New old guy

    How old? I've been into computers about as long as Microsoft. Before Windows. I thought Visual Basic 6, Microsoft Access and Windows XP were the best things Microsoft ever did and wish 2 of the 3 weren't dead. That old, and I wasn't young when I started. I've done a little bit of everything in...