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  1. snovotill

    English translation of firmware V5.4.41 here

    Here is the full English-Chinese translation of firmware V5.4.41 for DS-2CD2412F-IW if it will help anyone. Note there is likely some word-wrap happening as you view it. The structure is same as the menus themselves. I use this to keep track of my camera configs...
  2. snovotill

    Where to download Chinese camera firmware?

    The Chinese firemware download site is super stale: 海康威视是以视频为核心的物联网解决方案和数据运营服务提供商,面向全球提供安防、可视化管理与大数据服务。 Where does one go to download current Chinese firmware?
  3. snovotill

    NVR4208-4KS2 vs 5208, IVS and fish eyes, on TaoBao?

    Wanting to bye a good English language NVR fer use with my Chinese-firmware HikVision cameras and misc English-firmware cameras. That clearly rules out HikVision NVR and leaves me pining for NVR4208-4KS2 ...I think. I'd like to ask a couple of questions if I may... - 4208 datasheet says IVS...
  4. snovotill

    Anyone succeed connecting to DS-2CD2412F-IW camera in AD-HOC mode?

    Both my PC and my Android phone fail to connect properly to my DS-2CD2412F-IW firmware 5.3.0 camera in "Ad-Hoc" mode, and yet the camera connects just to fine in "Manage" mode to my router. Is this a bug or perhaps special tricks needed? I tried static IP's on both camera and phone but no joy...
  5. snovotill

    Camera Browser URL's and their use in Desktop Shortcuts

    I have the DS-2CD2412F-IW version 5.3.0 and needed to create desktop shortcuts which show the snapshot and play the stream without the need to log in. Below is my solution in case anyone finds it useful: THE NORMAL URL's ARE AS FOLLOWS...
  6. snovotill

    Translated GUI for DS-2CD2412F-IW Firmware V5.3.0

    The attached file is for English users of Chinese camera DS-2CD2412F-IW. With this translation reference you can operate and configure the camera. Open with MS Notepad.exe and select font "Lucida Console" 12pt UniCode. UPDATED!