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  1. Fenst

    latest Version of DAHUA HTTP API FOR IPC Documentation ??

    API HTTP Request for Dahua SMD, IVS and other alarms: where XXX can be one of that (up to colon. after colon is description): VideoMotion: motion detection event (MD) SmartMotionHuman: human smart motion detection...
  2. Fenst

    Imou LOOC V2 wrong time

    I think, you can use SmartPSS PC app and configure NTP Server for them
  3. Fenst

    IVS alert triggered outside the lines

    It seems to be that recording of stupid (old, casual) motion detection is enabled. Try to disable recording (not detecting!)
  4. Fenst

    [SD29204UE-GN] IVS triggered by flowers

    IVS is smart, but SMD Plus is smarter. SMD Plus can detect only human or cars. This is really the reason to buy new cameras :/
  5. Fenst

    Monitor eventManager and grep events for further processing Telegram, Pushover etc.

    I use NodeRed 1 - check eventManager.cgi?action=getEventIndexes&code=VideoMotion 2 - if msg.payload = "Motion!" 3 - make snapshot.cgi?[channel=0] 4 - send picture to Telegram
  6. Fenst

    Disable/enable "Disarming" by API?

    Sure. At least, me
  7. Fenst

    Auto Maintain (auto reboot and auto delete old files)

    As I know, it means that all videos and snapshots older than X days will be deleted, even if there is free space at your SD\HDD It is usefull when you want to delete some wierd recordings, which happened X+1 days ago I don't know about deleting old logs by this option If unchecked, it will...
  8. Fenst

    New SmartPSS win64

    That works, thx! For other people with same problems, here is the link to 986123_DH_SMARTPSS-Win64_ChnEng_IS_V2.003.0000001.0.R.191028 MEGA UPD here is changelog: Project Name SmartPSS Version V2.003.0000001 Base Platform V2.003.0000000 Operation Platform Microsoft Windows...
  9. Fenst

    New SmartPSS win64

    It would be perfect, if you provide setup file or correct credentails, as I've got "Login fail,account or password is Incorrect !" error when use Username: dahuahelpdesk Password: dahua2018 ;) UPD: login: CZEGUEST pass: CZEGUEST2018 also doesn't work
  10. Fenst

    New Smart PSS V2.003.0000000.0.R.190802

    Hi. Could you provide link for downloading 2019-12-03 version, please?
  11. Fenst

    SmartPSS latest version date picker is broken

    Are you sure, that it is latest? As I think, 180619 recordered as YYMMDD, not DDMMYY Try to install one of the latest versions, for example DH_SMARTPSS-Win32_ChnEng_IS_V2.002.0000008.0.R.190225 DH_SMARTPSS-Win32_International_IS_V2.002.0000008.0.T.190724
  12. Fenst

    RTSP with Dahua C22

    Hi RTSP link for Dahua C22 (IPC-C22P, TC7 ) is rtsp:/login:password@192.168.1.x:554/live Manually add second slash (/), because ipcamtalk parser automatically deletes it even from icode tag :(