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  1. T

    Need Rec - IP POE NVR System

    Thanks for the vendor tips -- I did read the cliff notes on a real screen, not sure I inferred it was mobile. :) To be clear -- I'm not an enthusiast, just a home owner with enough knowledge to be dangerous. I'm prioritizing ease of use above configurability right now.
  2. T

    Need Rec - IP POE NVR System

    Great. Good to know that my hesitation is not unfounded. That said -- what would be a good brand to look at? Seems to rule Dahua out . . .
  3. T

    Need Rec - IP POE NVR System

    Hi All -- I recently joined and doing my research. This is a much more complex subject that I had anticipated, and wrapping my head around all the options is challenging. Have read the cliff notes. Looking for a rec on a 4 camera NVR system. We are building a new home and it is pre-wired for...