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  1. S

    Hikvision Cameras work on main switch, but not on remote one

    Camera IR lights come on, so I believe it is receiving power. The 2 cameras are the only items on the remote switch upstairs. When I tried the older switch I had no luck and used the injectors. I am going to try to connect both switches with short cables directly to the downstairs switch and see...
  2. S

    Hikvision Cameras work on main switch, but not on remote one

    1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes, I direct connected a laptop and it worked. 4. [Remote POE switch] that I purchased by mistake as it does not have enough juice for the cameras. I also tried the cameras on another [older switch] I had laying around with no luck. [Downstairs switch]
  3. S

    Hikvision Cameras work on main switch, but not on remote one

    I just purchased 2 more Hikvision DS-2CD2042WD-I 4MP HD cameras to match the one I have working already. I plugged them into my main, 24 port switch downstairs and configured each of them with unique IP addresses. I am also using injectors to power these POE. I was able to see them fine on both...