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  1. J

    Schedule one camera to take a photo at Noon, 12pm

    I am able to schedule my camera to take a JPG photo every hour or every two hours, etc., but what are the settings to schedule one JPG photo at noon only. I have set the minutes to 1440 (which I assume is every 24 hours) but the one-a-day photo is at 8:00AM. How do I set the time of day? Any...
  2. J

    Foscam FI9821W V2 PTZ

    Using Blue Iris V4.0 with several cameras. Had my Foscam FI9821W V2 operating for about 5 months. I updated the firmware several months ago to Yesterday the camera suddenly started to pan, tilt on its own. I have re-booted and re-set the PTZ from within the Foscam IPCam Client...
  3. J

    Clips Error

    I keep getting this error or some version of it: C:: 2419, 1.06G/29.63T (-27.63T). I have plenty of storage on my hard drive, over 1TB remaining. I have also verified the folder structure in the Blue Iris Folder. Can anyone help? Thank you