1. N

    Firmware update on FI9826p V2, No more PTZ?

    I recently added a new camera to my setup. A Foscam FI9826P V2. I was able to get Blue Iris connected to it to view the feed, but PTZ controls/zoom do not work with this. I have tried all different Foscam configurations within blue iris as well as the find/inspect button. The info on the...
  2. R

    Newbe. Looking for help on Foscam 9826 remote monitoring

    :(I found this site as I was looking to learn more about setting up my current IP camera. i have it working at one location, but when I moved it to another home, even after setting it up with new IP address, etc, it can only be viewed on local network. I have a Comcast cable modem, that was...