I have this PoE Dahua LPR camera and I am connecting this to 12V DC power and the ethernet cable going directly to the router. Whenever I try to access the IP address of the camera in the browser, the page takes forever to load (10+ mins) and even if it does, it just shows a frozen video feed. I...
My BI works well n the network all the time and also off network for a short while and then I lose connection. Any ideas as I rule out a permission or port access issue. Also my PC and router both seem to keep a consistent IP.
I upgraded my NVR (Hikvision DS-7604NI-E1) last week to V3.4.96 build170921 (from last October) because I had an old version on it which had the SMTP e-mail problems. Now Blue Iris is loosing the connections to the cameras every few seconds which didn't happen before. In the browser, the...
Hello all,
Just noticed that my recently mounted mini dome is losing connectivity - I checked the logs on the camera, and it's losing connection for 2-3 seconds at a time at what appears to be random intervals.
As the log is from the camera itself, I assume this has nothing to do with BI...
So I'm having the weirdest issue on one of my client cams, can't figure it out and have never seen the issue before.
I get an alert that the camera has gone offline, so I login and see that it is actually online. But when I look at the display time the time is going backwards, then it stops and...