ezviz db1

  1. I

    Ezviz DB1C sharing problem and how to find IP address?

    I’ve just installed a new Ezviz DB1C video doorbell. I have it up and running on my Android phone (Motorola Moto G 5G), and would like to share it with my wife so that she can get full access to the doorbell’s features from her phone. I have installed the Ezviz app on my wife’s phone (a Pixel...
  2. Z

    Ezviz DB1 and Z-Wave Fibaro connectivity

    Hi I see that you guys are real experts with the DB1. I need a little help. I have a complete new install of a DB1 and I have used the powerkit to power a mechanical relay (12V AC relay) as I need to switch GND into a Fibaro smart implant. The idea is to take the DB1 signal into the Z-Wave...
  3. P

    EZViz DB1 files on sd-card

    Hi, Have an EZViz DB1 doorbell for about 7 months now or so. Recently it complained that the SD-card needed to be formatted. Formatting through the app didn't work so I took it out and put it in my laptop. Seems that it was completely filled with mp4-movies which didn't seem to be playable (at...
  4. Luvkashyap

    Issue with EZVIZ DB1 - Device Wifi not available

    Hi I have the EZVIZ video doorbell, which was installed and working for 3 months with no issues. All of a sudden in the app shows Device Offline, Offline also in the SADP Tool. Tried multiple resets (said reset successful) but still won't connect. Tried Manual adding via selecting device Wifi...