
  1. X

    Camhi FTP and folder for each Cam

    Hi, I have 3x IP CAM C6F0SoZ3N0PcL2 (CamHi) and RPi FTP (vsftpd). Last few days all cam stop insert save alarm video in to the folders in root directory (cam1, cam2, cam3) and all alarm video save directly in to the root directory (home/pi/) together. I try change setting in Camhi App - FTP...
  2. J

    Clips Error

    I keep getting this error or some version of it: C:: 2419, 1.06G/29.63T (-27.63T). I have plenty of storage on my hard drive, over 1TB remaining. I have also verified the folder structure in the Blue Iris Folder. Can anyone help? Thank you
  3. C

    No new clips in viewer

    My clip viewer is on the right panel as always but it isn't scrolling or showing any new clips. The cams are recording to the appropriate folder but no clips?
  4. A

    Understanding the differences between folders / post / record / snapshots / databases

    Hello, I am having some (mental) difficulties in understanding the different menu options in BlueIris for my cameras. Currently I have 5 cameras (2 indoor, 3 outdoor) and plan on adding more in the future. After reading the help file quite a bit, I believe I am further confusing myself. It may...
  5. C

    New files still not moving to storage

    I changed the paths, have the new files on my c drive and then storage on my g: tb drive, files still not moving at all. I am wondering if I have the folder size limited to 100gb let's say, and that the files stay 1 day, if the folder size overrides the 1 day and it waits until the folder is...