I am trying to set up my B52IR-Z12E-S2 (from Andy) to get the right depth-of-focus at night. Some plates come out OK, others are completely blurred. Things work well during the day, and I did focus the camera on a stopped car at night, so I suspect it's a depth-of-focus issue? Currently...
Looking at this video, what settings would you start change to capture the rear plate better?
Front plate was captured fine. I guess is old and has less reflective coating?
I've had this before with black background plates with white text.
I have a IPC-HFW5241E-Z12E as an LPR. It works really well EXCEPT for focus. Sometimes it works but sometimes the focus is quite a lot off. I followed the BlueIris way to switch between night and day.
Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset
What happens is that the focus is off...
Hello everyone,
I want to first thank everyone that shares so much knowledge on this forum. I am a rookie when it comes to the IP Cam world and spending time on this website has helped immensely. I just purchased cameras from Empire Andy and finished the installation on my home. Learning how to...