I would like to hear from anyone using the BI Digitial I/O feature. Most particularly the Sealevel SeaDAC device. My win 10 i7 system with 10 ONVIF generic cams runs perfectly and forever with no issues until "Open Sealevel SeaDAC device" is checked in BI Options. System will then run for a...
I can't seem to find tis answer so here goes..
I have a Sealevel 130E. This receives inputs and sets a bit. BI says it can read this and you can trigger on the bit set. I can't get BI to "see" the Sealevel box. I use the MaxSSD and the box is working. This box is hooked to my router and the...
I have BI4.4.0.2 with 6 ONVIF cameras running on an I7. I want to trigger video recording using switch contacts feeding a Sealevel 120 POE. Switch contact closures causes the proper response on the SeaMax utility. When I go into the Digital I/O tab, check Open Sealevel SeaDAC device and click...