sricam ip camera

  1. J

    Ipcam SriCam Sp011 - Port Forwarding

    Hi im new here! and i've got a problem!!:sad2: Please help, i would really appreciate your help. I have an Sp011 ipcamera (Sricam), the ip address & port are already given, and i want to access it remotely, so i tried to port forward on my router and i just copy the Ip address & port of the...
  2. S

    IOGEER/sricam and bi

    OK First let me say that I know that the sricam is junk, but I am stuck with two of them and trying to get some use out of them. I am able to connect the cameras to an outdated version of Vitamin D video by using settings other ip ,RSTP ip address port 554 no user name, no password, and path...
  3. B

    SriCam Device Viewer NOT WORKING

    So I bought this Sricam IP Camera off of ebay and got it and tried to install it & nothing is going right. The Device Viewer doesn't work properly, in the Device Management section where I should be able to right-click "Device List" right next to the little planet earth icon well the "Device...