vista 20p

  1. F

    Vista 20P Trim Stage - Best Practices Thread

    Some of you may have seen my thread here about Vista 20P Shopping List which has some nice information contained. I'm now at the point of programming the Vista 20P and want this thread to be a help for me and future visitors the best practices and processes of finishing trimming the hardware...
  2. Bradyboyy88

    Home security system (ring vs vista 20p wireless)

    I am going to add a security system to compliment my cameras. I have 3 doors and 8 windows I want to add sensors to and two keypad panels one by my upstairs door and one by my downstairs. My primary goal is to get phone notifications when someone enters or leaves the house by tripping a door or...
  3. N

    New home - self monitor solution help

    A friend is building a new home and was trying to determine a self monitoring solution (e-mail/text) for a wired alarm system. He will have home internet not phone. He was working with someone to order the parts from ADI and they mentioned he should get a VIsta 20p panel with the ZC-EVL4CG...