On my POE switch I get an amber LED (POE fault) and my camera is warm to the touch. My camera is attached to the switch and the switch is connected to the router. My W10 with Blue Iris is also connected to the router.
Is this camera mounted or on the bench?
Your cable: is it solid (not stranded) copper (not CCA / Copper Clad Aluminum) CAT-5e or 6, wired on BOTH ends to T-568B specs?
Can you swap out that cable with a known good (working) cable?
Have you tried a different port on the switch?
Is this camera mounted or on the bench?
Your cable: is it solid (not stranded) copper (not CCA / Copper Clad Aluminum) CAT-5e or 6, wired on BOTH ends to T-568B specs?
Can you swap out that cable with a known good (working) cable?
Have you tried a different port on the switch?
So my camera is permanently mounted on an 8’ 4x4 and now I’m trying to make my way around Blue Iris. What screen do I need to be on to set IR trigger? It’s only taking daytime vids.
You need to make camera adjusts in the web GUI of the camera. Try Internet Explorer first, still available in Win10 by typing "explorer" (no quotes) into the search bar. Once you set login credentials and log in you can set anything needed. It's best to move them off of "auto" settings and use manual shutter speed ranges for both day and night. You can also set gain, compensation, brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness and a partridge in a pear tree, IE anything that is available for your model. Keep the shutter no slower than 1/60, 16.66ms, at night to avoid blur. Keep gain and compensation as low as possible because generally at high levels they will introduce noise and blur.
You should be able to access that one with Chrome or Edge with no plug-ins. What is the IP of the camera? What is the IP of the device you're trying to access from?
These cams default to DHCP for the IP address. Unless you changed to a static address maybe that's changed?