20190627 New catalog

Soo, we got a few HFW1831EP to play with, so far they are a fairly normal mini bullet, the nice thing is if you hate 16:9 you can drop them to 5mp or 3mp and get 4:3 back so you arn't losing that real estate, will report back how the night vision looks
I see a few cameras in there with 1/1.7" 12MP Starvis sensors - are they the replacements for the 8MP already?

Have to admit I'd been thinking about an IPC-HFW1831E or 2831 to replace my overview but may wait to see how these 12MP perform now.

the 12mp are awesome, we have a few hundred up, great night vision, great WDR, the only issue is the vari focal lens tends not to stay sharp from edge to edge, if they had a fixed 2.8mm version without the blurry lens issue it'd be awesome...

unfortunatly the 12mp cam's are something like $800 AUD at the moment, the 8mp 1.8" sensor mini bullets are something like $250 AUD....
Actually even when you drop back to a 5mp resolution it's still a 16:9 ratio sadly ;|
The way my 4K PTZ camera is performing, I will be interesting at looking into the 12MP cameras. Any varifocals available?

I did a quick search and came up with this one. I have some night lights out front of the house and it might help it at night.

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in the Sub $1600 mark bracket anyway... Bosch make something very nice but it's north of $2k each where I am