2023 and 2024 Models Update

Yes, this 12mp one is crazy good compare to those cheap fisheye camera.The main problem it's expensive, and good for business places using.
I'll also reply here, Andy for the IPC4K360 (IPC-EBW81242N-AS-S2) I just received from you. Saw your YouTube video of the different de-warped VR tunnel & circular images. This is EXACTLY the kind of eye candy I want to show to potential clients.
We also have the IPC-FE541-AS 5MP Fisheye Panoramic I bought from your Amazon Store back in March 2024.
I also have 2 of the NVR8CH-8P-2AI 8 port NVR's (one for office to play, and 1 to be taken to customer sites for demonstrations), I purchased via your store. Though, I think I will probably order a 16 port NVR for office due to all the demo cameras of Dahua, crappy $30 IP cameras, and other named branded camera (** cough cough Reolink **) to show the differences in quality.
Watched your NVR user guide on YouTube. It did not cover adding/playing with 360 cameras sadly. I can see why as many home users wouldn't bother with a 360 camera. However, that 4k360 camera looked so fantastic, it is something I may consider for inside my own house.

We have a couple issues.
1.) I will look at the NVR firmware of both units tomorrow. 1 NVR auto-finds the FE541 fisheye and we are able de-warp it. We also add the 4k360 fisheye but no "fisheye' is available in the menu so unable to do anything with it. Maybe 1 NVR has older firmware.
2.) This might be the evil Microsoft Edge/Google Chrome issue of browsers but I do not get the VR yellow block options so unable to do any VR at all when we log directly into the camera itself:

Will find out more info when back in shop tomorrow.
Out of curiosity, what does Dahua or yourself use to browse into Dahua cameras?
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I'll also reply here, Andy for the IPC4K360 (IPC-EBW81242N-AS-S2) I just received from you. Saw your YouTube video of the different de-warped VR tunnel & circular images. This is EXACTLY the kind of eye candy I want to show to potential clients.
We also have the IPC-FE541-AS 5MP Fisheye Panoramic I bought from your Amazon Store back in March 2024.
I also have 2 of the NVR8CH-8P-2AI 8 port NVR's (one for office to play, and 1 to be taken to customer sites for demonstrations), I purchased via your store. Though, I think I will probably order a 16 port NVR for office due to all the demo cameras of Dahua, crappy $30 IP cameras, and other named branded camera (** cough cough Reolink **) to show the differences in quality.
Watched your NVR user guide on YouTube. It did not cover adding/playing with 360 cameras sadly. I can see why as many home users wouldn't bother with a 360 camera. However, that 4k360 camera looked so fantastic, it is something I may consider for inside my own house.

We have a couple issues.
1.) I will look at the NVR firmware of both units tomorrow. 1 NVR auto-finds the FE541 fisheye and we are able de-warp it. We also add the 4k360 fisheye but no "fisheye' is available in the menu so unable to do anything with it. Maybe 1 NVR has older firmware.
2.) This might be the evil Microsoft Edge/Google Chrome issue of browsers but I do not get the VR yellow block options so unable to do any VR at all when we log directly into the camera itself:
View attachment 216137

Will find out more info when back in shop tomorrow.
Out of curiosity, what does Dahua or yourself use to browse into Dahua cameras?
Good ole Internet Explorer.

When I reviewed a couple of FishEye cams, they all required Internet Explorer and the cams plugin had to be downloaded and installed.

I offer a word of warning to people considering those cameras or any other new cameras that require IE . . .

I was hesitant to buy my first thermal cameras since they only supported IE. I asked Andy about this, and Dahua told Andy that they would provide firmware updates for the first thermal cameras such that I wouldn't have to use IE forever. So I bought the cameras, and unfortunately Dahua appears to have lied. Instead they came out with new versions of the thermal cameras that support modern browsers and Dahua does not appear inclined to update the ones I originally purchased which they said would be updated.

I understand that Dahua only wants to invest their time in new sales, but let this be a warning to you. If you buy any new Dahua cameras with the hope or promise of a firmware update so you don't have to use IE, you may be completely disappointed as I am. You may not think that's a big deal if you can use IE today, but . . .

I use Edge with IE mode to change settings on these relatively new thermal cameras, but that's still jumping through hoops, and Microsoft is only making those hoops harder to jump through. Microsoft has shown that they too want to move on and abandon the past, including even Windows 10. It's not unreasonable that Microsoft will completely abandon IE before your camera dies, at which point you might not be able to update IVS tripwires or change even basic settings unless you still have a copy of Windows XP lying around, which I do not.

I am bitter that Dahua has obsoleted and abandoned expensive thermal cameras that I bought in the last year, especially since I bought on the promise they would be updated. I understand it, and maybe they'll still offer an update, but I do change/tweak my settings somewhat regularly, and I fear when Microsoft makes that even more difficult. Unfortunately as long as people keep buying "new" cameras that only support IE, Dahua has no motivation to kill their IE requirement. I wish no one would ever again buy a "new" Dahua camera that requires IE so they are forced to stop that horrible practice.
I offer a word of warning to people considering those cameras or any other new cameras that require IE . . .
I agree with you on this, but look at it a little differently. My bigger hot button is wishing they'd add animal detection to the firmware for recent camera lines. That said, I view it more like political promises, that maybe they'll add something for current and recent cameras, but if I hold my breath I'll probably end up on the losing end. As to your wish of not buying new cameras, I agree in principle, but I have to ask if there's a reasonable alternative. In the end I think Dahua holds all the cards, and we'd just be cutting off our noses to spite our faces, throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and so forth. From my own experience, I've found I can make almost all settings successfully using a combination of Brave and Firefox, and with older cameras, Pale Moon. No question that it all works more smoothly with IE. A large number of settings (not IVS setup, however) can be made with Config Tool. I'm personally not worried about losing IE because I run win 7 and plan to do so until it becomes impossible.