2MP 1/2.8" sensor camera

I read on a thread somewhere on this forum that a 2MP 1/2.8 was the best use. My use case would be for residential.
2MP and 1/2.8 is the correct combination, but not always ideal. 4MP an 1/1.8 is also the correct match up, and also ideal Both have their uses.

Are you wanting to Detect, Observe, Recognize, Identify?
Where are you looking to install?
What is your light situation like?
Here is where i was testing 2 cams from the same location. These are more of Dectect/Observe cams with their location being where it is. This pic was taken at dark and there is a ton of light for the cams. I want to install a couple more cams lower for being able to Recognize and possibly even Identify. Distance would be 20ft approx

I like big sensors not really into the little ones.
was reading about not chasing MP's and thought the 2MP 1/2.8" was the "best"
I am sure @wittaj will chime in with his typical post, but there are different "bests". 2MP and 1/2.8 is a matched combo, and used to be "best" before 4MP and higher resolutions became available on properly matched combinations. 4MP at 1/1.8 is better than 2MP and 8MP at 1/1.2 is even better than the 4MP option.

Also, the smaller the number on the right, the bigger the sensor.
1/2.8 < 1/1.8 < 1/1.2
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I like big sensors not really into the little ones.
was reading about not chasing MP's and thought the 2MP 1/2.8" was the "best"

2MP on a 1/2.8 sensor WAS the best until the 5442 series 4MP on a 1/1.8 came along. The 5442 is now the current gold standard.

The 8MP 1/1.2 is better with respect to light pickup, but there are other issues with it still to be worked out. #1 being its soft or blurry focus out to about 8ft and a narrow ideal depth of field
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You can also buy them with different part #s and without the Dahua sticker from our favorite OEM supplier Empire Tech
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Sorry what brand is this cam so I know how to find it lol thank you
5442 was the common nickname for the shortened Dahua model number of the camera. Andy (@EMPIRETECANDY) is an OEM rebranded reseller for Dahua, he sells them as Empiretech. He has re-modeled this camera as T54IR-AS (T for turret, 5 is the series, 4 is 4MP, IR for IR)

This is the camera I linked above.
5442 was the common nickname for the shortened Dahua model number of the camera. Andy (@EMPIRETECANDY) is an OEM rebranded reseller for Dahua, he sells them as Empiretech. He has re-modeled this camera as T54IR-AS (T for turret, 5 is the series, 4 is 4MP, IR for IR, AS denotes fixed focal length)

This is the camera I linked above.
yes i've read lots of good things on here about andy
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