2nd Amendment thread


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
The Swamp
I figured we might as well dedicate a thread to 2A issues as the imbicile puppet in the White House along with the Nazi liberal "progressive" Democrats are going to make a run at cancelling it much like they have the 1st Amendment.

This has been planned for some time and now that they know they can blatantly lie to the American people and get away with it, and being the morally corrupt and ethically bankrupt Democrats they are, they use tragedies such as the Parkland school shooting to prey on emotions of the mentally weak and naive.

Low information soccer mom's and most all stupid Democrat voters (even the ones who are new gun owners this past year) will believe every lie they tell. People without any critical thinking skills will believe that more laws and stripping away my rights will make them "safer".

Biden pledges action on guns amid resistance

Beware of Biden’s $200 Gun Tax

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President
Fortunately some states are being proactive:

Texas and Alabama
Texas And Alabama Introduce Bills To Block Biden’s Gun Control Agenda

A Missouri bill intended to nullify federal gun laws recently passed in the state’s House of Representatives.
The Senate voted 23-8 to send the bill back to the House, where it passed earlier. The House can either accept the Senate’s changes or negotiate a compromise version. Senators voted for the bill along party lines with Republicans in support and Democrats in opposition. It would declare “null and void” any past, present or future federal law deemed to be an infringement on gun rights for law-abiding citizens.
Federal agents who knowingly enforce those laws could face civil penalties stemming from lawsuits filed by Missouri residents who think their gun rights were infringed. Those workers would also be banned from future careers in state or local enforcement.
“We want to cause a reason for law enforcement to have a healthy pause before they might infringe on the Second Amendment rights of Missouri citizens,” said Sen. Brian Nieves, R-Washington.
Other states, such as Wyoming, South Dakota, Arizona, Tennessee, Kansas, and Alaska already have some version of federal gun law nullification on the books.
Well, much like the events witnessed over the past few months, I’m sure as a resident of GA, I’m going to get the green weenie put to me. I don’t believe there are any laws on the book to nullify any unconstitutional federal gun laws.
I’ve tried to avoid the news as much as possible, but I am aware that they are back to trying to hold gun manufacturers liable for violence involving weapons. Also back to trying to ban high capacity mags/clips. They’ll start with saying 30 rounds and above, but they’ll keep whittling that number down until you’re having to single load or use a slingshot.
It’s fine if you want to live in a fairy world where if weapons are outlawed, then no one will have a weapon. However, I’m grounded in reality and am not relying on a criminal to follow the rules. Come into my house uninvited, you’re gonna have a bad day to say the least.
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I lived in the UK before coming to the US, and I'll never go back to a country with no guns.

You are completely powerless to defend yourself there. Its crazy
In my many trips overseas, I have seen the impact of citizens not being armed. Having to rely upon the govt for your protection is never an ideal situation. You think 911 response is slow now, just wait.
Unfortunately, this is what the demons are trying to turn this country into. It has been drilled into my head to be disciplined enough to lead by example. If the demons are so adamant about opposing weapons, then why don’t they arm their security details with night sticks instead of guns? Of course, that’s like asking them if they’re going to open borders and tear down walls, to dismantle the security and perimeter walls around their places of residence as well as the capitol.
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I would talk about my collection of guns, ammo, and PMs, but... after losing all of it in that boating accident.... Well...

Anyway, the county sheriffs will have none of that gun grabbing nonsense on their watch and any of my neighbors would seriously frown on somebody coming to take theirs. I sort of, kind of, maybe think that this was the intent of the 2A, no?
Texas And Alabama Introduce Bills To Block Biden’s Gun Control Agenda

Other states, such as Wyoming, South Dakota, Arizona, Tennessee, Kansas, and Alaska already have some version of federal gun law nullification on the books.
Thanks for this thread and for the info re: TX and AL, I'll be watching the latter closely.

Anyway, the county sheriffs will have none of that gun grabbing nonsense on their watch and any of my neighbors would seriously frown on somebody coming to take theirs. I sort of, kind of, maybe think that this was the intent of the 2A, no?
Yes, I've read similar over the last several years where sheriffs in the SE, SW and midwest state, in effect "...if they want to enforce federal laws then they need to send their own out here to do so...we won't be their go-fers."
Come into my house, you’re gonna have a bad day to say the least.
Hopefully you mean uninvited, right? :cool:
Many many moons ago I lived in Afghanistan where people not only had guns but more of it. Speaking of Arms most houses got grande launcher and RPG to defend themselves against Taliban and other theorists.
When Taliban blocks roads or attacks on ppl there is no government( or the government comes after a week when Taliban takes over the city, village or state) so ppl fight them with their guns.
If they just got those ohh so progressive states like CA to enforce local laws maybe they can lead by example?! I remember a while ago reading an article saying that they weren't checking up on people that just went on the prohibited list to see if they got rid of their firearms!!

There are enough laws on the books that will keep people safe... Also the liberals like to lump firearm suicided into all this propaganda which is a huge problem for the uneducated..
What is really interesting, to me, is that they all talk about "assault weapons" and "weapons of war". I have yet to see a detailed explanation of how or why one semi-auto rifle is an "assault weapon" while another, that isn't black or have mounts on it, is not an "assault weapon". Does a scope make it and "assault weapon"? Beats the heck out of me but in reality they are all the same, useless pieces of metal unless the person holding them has evil intent. It's a shame all my useless pieces of metal got lost in a boating accident a few years back.
What is really interesting, to me, is that they all talk about "assault weapons" and "weapons of war". I have yet to see a detailed explanation of how or why one semi-auto rifle is an "assault weapon" while another, that isn't black or have mounts on it, is not an "assault weapon". Does a scope make it and "assault weapon"? Beats the heck out of me but in reality they are all the same, useless pieces of metal unless the person holding them has evil intent. It's a shame all my useless pieces of metal got lost in a boating accident a few years back.
It does not matter, they will change the deffinition daily until they all are deadly black assault weapons, including pocket knives.
I remember an incident, in Connecticut I think, many years ago where a trooper there shot a guy 12 times, all hits to the body, with his .38 service revolver and still had to physically restraint him.
And for those who think 10 rds are enough.
I have seen a man high on drugs fighting 2 cops that got 2 pepper sprays emptied in his face, then over 15 rounds in him before he started winding down enough the 2 cops got away from him.
..... useless pieces of metal unless the person holding them has evil intent.
The Libtard Dems think spoons make people fat and pens misspell words, too.

And on another front:

"In 2018, the most recent year for which data are available as of 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) National Center for Health Statistics reports 38,390 deaths by firearm, of which 24,432 were by suicide and 13,958 were homicides."

"Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S."
From the above info is one to apply dimmocrat logic and say that although doctors kill over 5X the number of people than firearms do annually, we should outlaw the firearms? :wtf::idk:
^^^^ We only believe the truth, not the facts, say the Marxocrats.

I can't wait for the next time my GP asks me if I own any guns. I am very agressive with telling him it's none of his f*&^ing business in the first place and now I can mention that physicians kill 5X more people "by accident" than guns do. :D
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