3 Wheel Vehicle


Known around here
Sep 14, 2015
Noticed this vehicle driving by earlier. Looks like it would be fun to drive, but not sure about how safe it would be in an accident.

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This is a Polaris Slingshot. Would definitely be fun to drive.
They are classed as motorcycles, so no airbags/crash protection/collapsible steering column etc.. Probably slightly safer than a motorbike, but not much :)
Why not just buy a Tuk Tuk? Lol More environmentally friendly, but probably unsafe :lol:
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For those interested in similar vehicles. I’ve always like them, even back to when I was young the 3-wheel Volkswagen chopper bikes were everywhere, but they are so expensive for a vehicle that’s functional only a few months a year.

The Can Am Spyder’s are popular around here, I see them all the time on the winding mountain highways and for putting around town.

The Campagna T-Rex is one out of Canada that also looks super cool.
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I see these around Houston, Have not seen one with this roof thing on it, but i guess you can option it out how you want. They are cool. My dad was going to get one, but ended up with a three wheel harley instead.
I'm not sure about this, but I think they are qualified to use HOV lanes. Even in Commiefornia.
We live in a tourist state and we see those also Spyders around here often since they are rented out locally to tourists. There is a local guy who own one of those and dress up as a Batman driving it to local hospital weekly to greet the children there. His batsuit is one of those movie quality 2 grands plus suit.