This is a Polaris Slingshot. Would definitely be fun to drive.
They are classed as motorcycles, so no airbags/crash protection/collapsible steering column etc.. Probably slightly safer than a motorbike, but not much
For those interested in similar vehicles. I’ve always like them, even back to when I was young the 3-wheel Volkswagen chopper bikes were everywhere, but they are so expensive for a vehicle that’s functional only a few months a year.
The Can Am Spyder’s are popular around here, I see them all the time on the winding mountain highways and for putting around town.
The Campagna T-Rex is one out of Canada that also looks super cool.
I see these around Houston, Have not seen one with this roof thing on it, but i guess you can option it out how you want. They are cool. My dad was going to get one, but ended up with a three wheel harley instead.
We live in a tourist state and we see those also Spyders around here often since they are rented out locally to tourists. There is a local guy who own one of those and dress up as a Batman driving it to local hospital weekly to greet the children there. His batsuit is one of those movie quality 2 grands plus suit.