As indicated by your avatar information, you would be a newer user to the forum. In a public forum, if you ask for help, then it is proper to return some information to help others. In this case, you could offer what information you know about the camera, such as information on any label that is on the camera (or a picture of any label on the camera), and what information you found to resolve the issue. This will allow another user to find the solution if they are having the same issue by using the search feature. It only takes a couple minutes to help someone else. No one is asking you to post a file, general forum decorum only asks that you pay it forward and post the solution with more information.
I don't think you can post with actual software. Even if you did post the software or a link to it, the software is from the manufacturer, and would not contain any of your personal information. You can just indicate the source and let other people with the same issue find the solution.
@TonyR really went above and beyond in trying to assist you.