4kt - need help - clearly being an idiot / overlooking something


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017

Need some help as pulling my hair out.

One of my 4kt's went bad so Andy replaced it. I've put the new camera in place but I cannot contact it.

So far I've tried:

1. Searching in the CONFIG APP - nothing found under default IP / password initialised or otherwise ( - admin - blank password)

2. I've tried moving it from the 2nd LAN card to the primary LAN card on the BI server so it can face the internet / pc better, no effect. Still not found.

3. I'm able to rule out the cable to the remote POE switch as my other camera is functioning fine and this cable being a connector pc to the poe is common

4. I've tested the LAN cable from the poe switch to the new camera using a network tester - all 8 connectors show green in the correct order on the test pulses - less than 1 metre long in any event

5. I've tried switching the LAN plug into a different port in the POE switch, no change

6. I've tried plugging the new camera into the poe port used by the working camera after removing it, no change and working camera works in that port when switched back

7. I've tried searching under the old cameras altered IP & password just in case it somehow got caried across in the switch (unmanaged so it shouldn't have), no connection

8. I've tried resetting the 2nd LAN card, no change

9. I've tried rebooting the BI PC, no change

10. Looking out the window tonight, the new cameras led lights are lit so poe supplying power but camera still unconatactable by both IE and CONFIG App.

11. I've tried running a range of IP's in the CONFIG app eg - 255 and nothing found either

The config app finds my working initialised camera straight away on it's ip address but I cannot contact the new un-initialised camera.

What am I missing?
Do the long factory reset on it.

Under power press and hold reset button in for 1 minute and hopefully that gets you access to the default IP. If not, then it might be a dud.

That is the part I hate about full color cameras is you don't get to hear an IR filter on startup or reset to know it gets power.
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is the camera sharing an ethernet cable with another camera? is it on a splitter? Splitters fail..
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I need to run a new cable to my ipc color 4kT....and I found out my Cisco switch is only an 802.3af, where as the cam specs say it is an 802.3AT ( higher power demand) So i got an AT mini switch to see if that was part of the problem.
No Bueno,
I dont have a tester,
fastest fix for me is to run a new line.
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is the camera sharing an ethernet cable with another camera? is it on a splitter? Splitters fail..

There's no shared cabling apart from common cable from the pc to the poe switch which is remote in an outbuilding and 3 feet from the camera. As there's another camera on the switch that's contactable and working, the issue can't be with the pc to switch cable.

As for power, there are only 2 cameras on the switch including this one and it's poe+ or ++ (can't remember which but generous power budget). I've also tried unplugging the working camera and plugging the non contactable camera into the same poe port the working camera was in, still no contact. Plug the working camera back in, and it works. So I'm ruling our the switch atm.
Did a 1 minute + reset yesterday. Haven't had time to retry contact yet. Will try again later.
I still can't see it / connect.

Is there any issues trying direct with a laptop via a poe injector so Laptop > Lan Patch > POE Injector - Lan Patch > Camera.

Btw firmware hasn't been touched as can't contact camera anyway to initiate it.
I still can't see it / connect.

Is there any issues trying direct with a laptop via a poe injector so Laptop > Lan Patch > POE Injector - Lan Patch > Camera.

Btw firmware hasn't been touched as can't contact camera anyway to initiate it.

just connect it to 12v power via dc jack
then plug it directly into lan port computer

then look into adapter settings. if your lan has no connection or just for a few sec after power, the camera motherboard is bad
OK I found the issue. Just in case anyone else suffers it:

It seems the upgrade to Win 11 might have removed the 192.168.1.xxx in the TCP / IP Added Addresses folder.

If that doesn't make sense, when you use Dual NIC's you need to add a 192.158.1.xxx address range to the 2nd Card's (switch side card) TCP/IP address range, otherwise you can't contact it.
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Is that a typo? 192.158?

Still have to question why you could not contact the cam when you plugged into the main nic card. That card should have had the proper 192.168.1 range

Anyway, glad you figured it out
Yes Typo. I meant 192.168.1.

Big thanks to Andy for the replacement cam as there was also a possible issue with the sensor / processor on the cam. It was actually Andy who hit the nail on the head with re-adding the IP address to the TCP/IP range when the new camera couldn't be contacted but thanks to everyone who helped with suggestions. If you're wondering about the fault, the original cam started to white out over a period of several days until eventually there was no discernable picture only over exposed white. Non of the in camera adjustments worked. From then on it became uncontactable, although contact can now be established once more.
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