4tb WD Reds down to about $89 now.......wow

Do you hear the disk spin up when you turn the computer on? Mine take about ~5 seconds until I can hear them.
When i had it connected usb I couldn’t hear it, but lights were flashing and drive showed up on desktop
In dvr nothing,
If dvr sata cable is only 4 wires does it even have 3.3 volts?
If it doesn’t then drive should just work
Isn’t it 3.3 volts that would shut it down?
If it's not spinning up you either put the tape on the wrong pin or the tape came off when you plugged it in.
It makes sense i tried 3 different types of tape, everything looked fine after i pulled the plug off
My question is my sata connecter has 4 wires, from what I see one is 12 volts and one is 5 volts and 2 are common.
So mine doesn't have 3.3 volts and from what i have read the 3.3 volts if there would shut the drive down
I connected back up to the usb board and powered it up, the drive doesn't spin unless its usb is connected to the computer.
As soon as you pull usb cord drive stops, so drive does work.
Maybe my nvr doesn't see it, but i am removing a 2TB drive and it works in the same spot.
Sorry for the big picture
I still think on my nvr it doesn't need the tape, 4 wire SATA.
I think its a NVR problem, or something with these drives, I installed a 10 TB Security Seagate drive a month ago in the spare slot and it showed the first time it booted.
I can feel the drive spin.
In HD manager it shows health status, unformatted, free space zero, total space zero.
In HD detect i did a manual detect fist square is red the rest green, red being bad
It does show in that total space 9314.00 GB
I tried to click format in HD manager but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Ok i feel like a idiot, I am a idiot!
When i tried to format the disk, i didn't check the little square.
Once it formatted it showed up as 9.07 TB drive.
I guess what surprised me is the last drive I installed it didn't require formatting.
Thanks for the help mlapaglia, and maybe my struggle will help someone else.
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It's a regular hard drive once you pull it out of the enclosure and tape the 3rd pin. It will work in anything that supports a regular 10TB hard drive.