5.3.3 - Improved 'Active Zone map' feedback


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
SF Bay Area
This post may be of interest if you have previously experimented with preset override motion zones and found it challenging to determine if the preset's map was actually active.

This screenshot shows the setting of interest in the Edit Presets dialog.


This next 2 screenshots show the 'Motion Sensor' dialog.
Prior to ver 5.3.3, the highlighted box showed only (none) or \Motion\x .


The dialog now shows the overriding preset if its motion zone map is active.


I have tested this and it now seems to be working as expected.
A single motion zone map is unlikely to be optimal for each preset scene assigned to a PTZ camera. Blue Iris lets you customize motion zone maps to individual presets.

Example: At night I move my front door cam from preset 1 to preset 2 to avoid triggers from car lights, and take better advantage of exterior lighting. Preset 2 benefits from using a different motion zone map.
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Ahhh... Got it. Thanks.

I have two PTZs but have mine swinging to presets based on motion triggers from other cams now. Never looked at the zones for those much. Useful to know that's there.
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I have been playing with and trying to improve the "poor man's" auto track for a PTZ by using the "clone and zone" method. I have 10 cloned cameras and each one has a designated zone and if something enters that zone, it calls up the PTZ preset for that particular area. I may have gone a little overboard LOL and may dial some back, but the results are fairly promising.

I have seen this action zone map option and hoped it would also allow you to designate different zones for each PTZ preset (since it allows you to create Zone A through G and a hotspot for each PTZ preset) and then do object detection zone crossing for each PTZ preset, but I guess that is asking for too much?

For example, for PTZ Preset 1, I would love to use the Zones A,B, C that I can delineate in that Preset 1 and have it call it another PTZ preset to go to for zone triggering based on motion (for example, if the PTZ is at Preset 1and the object goes from A to B then PTZ preset 2 is called; if it goes from A to C, then PTZ preset 3 is called, etc.). I'd rather have it in the PTZ menu than lot's of clone cameras.

From the PTZ menu you get the menu above you posted and you can select "Override motion zones" to create Zone A through G and a hotspot for each preset, but that is it... there is no way to call out what to do about zone crossings? Shouldn't we then get the option in the PTZ settings to do this like we can in the fixed cams?

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there is no way to call out what to do about zone crossings? Shouldn't we then get the option in the PTZ settings to do this like we can in the fixed cams?

i asked Ken about this in August. ”Why is there no option for [preset zone maps] also overriding the 'Object travels' and 'Object crosses zones' settings”. He replied “That indeed would be a nice feature...:)

If more users request it, perhaps he will bump it up the to do list?
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