With version Ken has added the following parameters to the JSON 'clipstats' command.

While experimenting with motion detection parameters and resolving performance issues there have been times when I wanted to be certain about the camera’s actual profile, active map, and AI mode for a specific alert. Now Ken has provided this capability.
NOTE for PTZ cameras: If you use preset override motion zones, you can infer the active zone map for the alert using the
To be more certain, you should disable the default use zones setting (Camera settings > Trigger tab > Motion Sensor > Use zones and hotspot) when using a camera with PTZ and preset zones maps.

While experimenting with motion detection parameters and resolving performance issues there have been times when I wanted to be certain about the camera’s actual profile, active map, and AI mode for a specific alert. Now Ken has provided this capability.
NOTE for PTZ cameras: If you use preset override motion zones, you can infer the active zone map for the alert using the
and campreset
parameters.To be more certain, you should disable the default use zones setting (Camera settings > Trigger tab > Motion Sensor > Use zones and hotspot) when using a camera with PTZ and preset zones maps.