5.4.9 - June 25, 2021


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
5.4.9 - June 25, 2021
Enhanced synchronization between alert images and alert processing. Alert images are not
created until timer conditions are met on the Alert tab in camera settings. Processing of “re-
triggers” is improved following a cancelled alert.
Improved handing of DeepStack static objects and objects outside of detected motion areas.
On the DeepStack status page you may now choose to show/hide Blue Iris detected motion
rectangles, helpful for diagnosing objects which do not overlap these areas. Also you may
now drag & drop saved alert analysis “.dat” files into this window.
The “run a program or script” action is now “run a program or write to a file.” This will be
handy for external logging.
I literally just updated to and it DS and BI seem to be playing much more nicely together now. Kind of early to be sure, only ran a few alerts through "tuning", but the results seem very good so far.
I may have spoken too soon. Way too many missed detections in DS. Tuning finds them with no problem, but "real time" misses a lot.
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I may have spoken too soon. Way too many missed detections in DS. Tuning finds them with no problem, but "real time" misses a lot.

I had to cut my make time down to .1 or .2 for areas that need a quick response...and for these areas I have deepstack add 3 or 4 more real time images. For larger areas I set the make time anywhere from .5 to 1 second. I want the object to trigger when it's closer to the cam so the DS real time images have a chance to be analyzed properly. I'm also using Edge Vector exclusively for motion detection and with Deepstack I use "Begin analysis with motion leading image" (I don't have any LPR cams). I use a 30 second break time and 10 second pre-trigger. The drag/drop analysis has been very helpful with tweaking my settings. I've pretty much gone away from multiple motion zones (except one camera).

Edit: Also using Deepstack high mode and custom model dark.pt.

I don't have any long term stats for this latest version, but during daylight hours it was extremely accurate. We'll see about this evening and through the night. Looking forward to seeing Dave Lonsdale's report.
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I updated to 5.4.9 last night and one of my cameras started "triggering" every 5 seconds.

The border lights up orange, I get the orange lightning bolt indicating it is in a triggered state, but then doesn't put an alert clip in.

I deleted and re-added and same issue.

Some sort of bug I suspect. It is my LPR cam so it was completely dark and clearly nothing was triggering the camera. When a car would go by it would trigger and make an alert clip.

I rolled back and it stopped.
I ended up rolling back, too. Too many missed very obvious detections, "file not found" when trying to play an alert from the console, "video stream lost" when trying to play back alerts in UI3, try to play a alert that has a "person" in it and a clip of a car going by plays instead from a totally different time and that's after a "repair/regenerate". I emailed support with it and it is after all a work in progress, but I'm in no rush to try

I looked at the .dat files and they showed nothing detected and I mean nothing at all is shown in the jpg even though a car, motorcycle, bicycle or person passes right through the video. I even tried changing detection to zone crossing to get a capture right in the middle of the view/detection area. Nothing seemed to work. It's still detecting mailboxes as "person" and at night it detects a "boat" due, I guess, to the way my neighbors porch light leaves bright spots and shadows, but that "boat" never moves all night and should be ignored. Yes, motion detection is on.

I'm still looking at DS as more of a novelty than a reliable source of triggers. If it worked as well in real time as it does in "tuning" it would be very reliable. Maybe Ken is going about it the wrong way in terms of fixing problems. It might be an idea to delay DS detection until a selectable, preset, time in milliseconds rather than trying to make it happen on the first sign of motion. I have noticed that even if it's set to "trigger on motion only" DS starts analyzing before the camera actually triggers from what I can see.
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After updating to 5.4.9.x, all my alert clips are now using sub-streams. Previously, it was using the main streams! Is there an option to switch back to using the main stream in alert clips?
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I'm on and I'm not experiencing alert clips saved as substreams...for recording I have continuous+triggered set for all my cams.

5.4.9 has been working well for me...no issues as of yet any way. Also, DS seems to analyze at T-xxx on all my clips and none of my cams are set to use "Apply to motion triggers only."

Last week I uninstalled and reinstalled BI because I wasn't having much luck with Deepstack in the past few weeks. No matter what I did, I was missing alerts. I tried all sorts of settings/changes, but I was consistently experiencing detection issues. After the fresh install, I started making changes to settings...first I went through all the BI options, then setup cameras. Low and behold, the same Deepstack problems were happening! So I almost gave up. Instead, I went through all the settings again and realized that the Database and New folders were on separate drives from each other. Once I corrected that, I started to see some normalcy. Now, I don't run BI as a service anymore, so I can't say there aren't any BI issues that need to be worked out; I'm just providing info that might be useful to others.
Oh yea, forgot about this gem I woke up one morning to after BI restarted in the morning and half my cameras were not in BI and each one was showing this message in the logs:

Signal: Out of memory
Signal: Failed to connect
Clip: H264 encoder missing (848x480)

A computer reboot got them going again, but I never had that happen before and it has happened several times when trying to run 5.4.7.x and above.
Oh yea, forgot about this gem I woke up one morning to after BI restarted in the morning and half my cameras were not in BI and each one was showing this message in the logs:

Signal: Out of memory
Signal: Failed to connect
Clip: H264 encoder missing (848x480)

A computer reboot got them going again, but I never had that happen before and it has happened several times when trying to run 5.4.7.x and above.
I got the out of memory error today too, I’m on Of course it was preceded by lots of CGadSocket errors and signals lost etc. resulted in my clone cameras triggering but nothing being recorded. Played around for a while but couldn’t get them to record at all. Went back to and they are recording clips on trigger.

I got a similar thing where it showed the camera being triggered every 5 seconds (but wasn't being triggered and alert clips were not popping up unless it was an actual trigger). Rolled back and all is fine.
That's odd. I'm on and triggers are recording normally, clones and masters. One thing I did notice was a "can't find that file" error when trying to play back a clip, but playing the one prior to that kept playing right on through the one it couldn't find. I think I'll email BI support with that since it might be a good clue to fix it with.
I am testing the new and I am getting the blue border around the entire image showing which image is sent to DS. That is telling.

I now have (knock on wood) the other issues I have experienced with 5.4.7.X and above no longer happening!

Facial recognition still doesn't like custom model running too though.

Plus I noticed that while other objects are in the 200-400ms range, faces are over 8,000 and then the server error 100, so I am wondering if it is a timeout issue?
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I take that back already LOL. Just got the remote desktop error. Rolling back to
Just tried and have the same problem, clone cams trigger but nothing gets recorded.

Have reverted back for the time being but I’m thinking there must be a setting that is getting flipped with the latest release, might have a more in depth look later this afternoon.

EDIT: Just had another look, can't see any options that are configured differently in the Trigger and Record tabs, even tried changing options, clicking OK then changing it back but no go. The clones are set to trigger on motion, motion is being detected as I get an orange border but no Alert and nothing gets recorded. If I manually trigger the cam I get an Alert and it records.
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I'm on and things seem to be working well (also worked well with I'm using the builtin and dark models in DS and it is detecting objects pretty well, people, cars, and birds. I have cloned cameras configured, one for continuous recording and the other for triggered motion (I don't combine them because the continuous recordings are MP4 and motion triggers are BVR). Motion detection is using sub streams, but recordings (and alerts) are configured for main stream. Motion triggers are working fine. Motion trigger cameras are configured for object detection, have zones (no zone crossing), and the Apply to Motion Triggers checkbox under AI not checked (checking it seems to impair DS detection). I also have the number of images used set to 5.

One issue I have is detection of static objects is still a little hit and miss. The BBQ on my deck is still occasionally being identified as a person.

Another item of note is that turning on face detection causes instability for me, DS confirmation alerts are greatly reduced although playback show detection is working. Face detection also causes BI to restart randomly. I don't know if this has been fixed yet, I turned it off after and haven't tried it again.
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Yep, it seems facial recognition and the dark model do not like each other.

But even if just running normal object detection and no custom models, faces still tend to cause problems for me.

It will work once and then stop.

When it first came out it would store unknown faces, but every subsequent update I have yet to have it store a face in the unknown folder despite a camera clearly getting clear face shots at eye level.
...faces still tend to cause problems for me.
Yeah, I think I will turn off faces for now. Great idea, but agree very hit or miss and IMHO not very user friendly when it comes to management. Still like the idea of being able to add as many images of Bob in a "BOB" folder with any image name I want, and then when DS finds ANY hit on any image in the "BOB" folder report back "BOB".