500 ft POE run


Mar 9, 2014
Houston, Texas
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Solar/batteries and wireless? ;)
The maximum POE run you can complete is approximately 328ft (100m) - this is the limit that data can be transmitted across the ethernet cable before it becomes unstable. [FONT=Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif]The maximum distance you can power a device will vary depending on the access point and its voltage required, as well as the voltage provided by the power supply, and the quality of the cable. Cat6 (shielded!) cable is recommended for long POE runs. [/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif]Too far out, the power will be there, but as you are seeing, the data signal is pushing through too much copper or is getting overwhelmed by a (new?) source of interference.[/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif]From your (dalepa), you state that the power is there, but not the data. The repeater linked may work. I see conflicting answers in the Q&A section of on the Amazon page - some say it repeats data, while other say its just power.

[/FONT]Its Amazon - they will take returns, so your liability is pretty low. Buy it, try it, return it if it doesnt work. Everything else looks to be more expensive.

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif]here is a crazy (complicated) idea:

[/FONT]Go Wireless
Camera/ PoE injector --> data to Wireless bridge. Bridge the wireless back into an AP closer to home base. You can crank up the security / MAC filtering on the bridge and router. The new WiFi devices are super fast (look for the ones that are gigabit / they typically have 3 - 6 (and more!) antennas . This way, the camera is locally powered by a local-ish PoE injector. The gigbit router / bridge will shoot the data back into home base. This of course comes with more complications and more equipment to set up and maintain..... but we all need hobbies :)
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here is a crazy (complicated) idea.... This of course comes with more complications and more equipment to set up and maintain..... but we all need hobbies :)

Laughed out loud at this. I hate wireless, but this would actually be a fun thing to try. At a friend's house. Maybe a friend that knows what he's doing so I wouldn't be getting calls to troubleshoot the 1,000 ways it would probably break if I were involved.
...Guess I'll go with the amazon $59 version and find some type of waterproof enclosure.

Wrap it in stretch-wrap and then wrap the whole affair with Coax-Seal...the poor man's IP66! beer.gif
I have many cameras working great one 500 feet or so of cable. Over 500 gets more dicey, but up to 500 I have had great success and no issues at multiple locations. How old is your cable? I do not even worry about 450 foot installs any longer as I've not had one not work yet. Prefer fiber or wireless for long term and multiple cameras, but for just one camera I break the 100 meter rule all the time.

That said you can get a good wireless setup from Ubiquiti for surprisingly little money. I cannot believe how well these work not even taking into account the cost! These are amazing, I usually run the NSM5 version but then I'm usually connecting 6-12 cameras over the wireless link too. I have many of these up and running for a few years and have only ever replaced one due to a lightning strike. Not bad at all.


Yes, you need power out where your camera is but if that is handy this and a basic switch and you'll be in business reliably for well under the $250 POE extender device and you can hook up many cameras out there at 500-1000 feet.
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