A Couple Of Truck Captures


Known around here
Sep 14, 2015
Warning, loud audio begins at the 22 second mark in this video. There are 2 truck related captures here. The first 22 seconds is a truck carrying what I believe is some type of exercise equipment. What is interesting is how the equipment is being held down. The second video is a truck hauling a trailer. As it reaches the corner smoke is pouring out the back of the truck. I wasn't sure if it was on fire or what was going on. The final camera angle shows a closeup of what it was hauling. It was a load of concrete cinder blocks.

Ah, expendable human cargo straps. You can bet that someone said those famous words "at ain't goin' no whar" when the subject of tying it down was mentioned.

The red truck appears to be doing a 'burn out' just roasting a tire purely by choice. He's clearly burning up a tire that someone ELSE will be paying for.

EDIT: there should be a very obvious black rubber stripe on the road that stupid left behind.
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Remember 'bleach burnouts' in drag racing?
Regarding the red truck: having loaded, hitched and pulled everything from compressors, flat beds, low-boys, mower trailers and 30 ft. travel trailers since 1965, I venture to say his cement block load was too far aft and it took weight off of his rear tires and he could not make it up the hill without spinning the wheels.

Either his load shifted or he loaded it that way initially and had some help standing on the trailer tongue to get it down, over and locked onto the receiver's hitch ball, which promptly lifted the hitch when they jumped off the trailer tongue, taking significant weight off the rear wheels....it doesn't take much on a short wheelbase truck if it's a standard, non-equalizer hitch. Worked great on level ground (Home Depot ?) until he started climbing a hill.

At first glance I'd say his hitch ball could also stand a drop, say close to 3 to 4 inches...just guessing from here.

"Knowledge and wisdom don't always arrive on the same bus." :headbang:
TonyR - 2021
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At first glance I'd say his hitch ball could also stand a drop, say close to 3 to 4 inches...just guessing from here.

Yeah, but he spent all his money at that lift to make it look cool so he can't afford the drop hitch now.

And listening to the sound of that one wheel peel, he's got zero traction with that right wheel. That's the sound you get from spinning tires on wet pavement, not sure which brand of chinesium tire makes that sound when dry.