A distracted driver hits the rear of my vehicle.

Man you just have no luck, do you? Bummer. Since you did not mention, I assume you were not hurt?
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I am guessing you were blocked by the car in front of you when you were in the other lane and when you moved over, he had already planned to turn after that car.

At least you got hit by someone with insurance. I have been hit 4 times and none of the events were by an insured driver.
I always say look twice before you cross an intersection. No matter what because the first time you miss something you will have a second opportunity. But he took off so fast there was so little time to react. You can see my car swerve to the right just before impact.
Wow - them Caddy owners think people will get out of their way LOL

That is just crazy.
The Cad owner likely paid more in ad valorem taxes on his tag so maybe he feels he deserves more of the road than the Mazda does. :rolleyes:

i seen staight away your both driving on the wrong side of the road..:)
Not sure where you got that, as I don't see @djernie driving "on the wrong side of the road."
Maybe it's because in the UK you guys DO drive on the left side, which IS the wrong side here in the US of A ! :highfive:
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british humour tony
No, I get it...I just didn't want to say that YOU guys drive on the wrong side of the road. ;)
I'd also go to an independent adjuster or body shop, even if you have to pay for that second opinion out of pocket, djernie. I was hit the same way and it took me six months of phone calls and aggravation to get enough to repair the damage that was actually done. The wheel took a hit as well so the suspension also needs to be looked at.
Make sure you save that video. Those insurance companies have a way of turning it around where it is your fault. Kind of like lawyers. I had that happen once. The insurance company stated that their client said it was not their fault. Go figure. Good luck and don't accept 3 party/used parts.
I'd also go to an independent adjuster or body shop, even if you have to pay for that second opinion out of pocket, djernie. I was hit the same way and it took me six months of phone calls and aggravation to get enough to repair the damage that was actually done. The wheel took a hit as well so the suspension also needs to be looked at.
Yeah i was thinking about that wheel. It seemed to drive ok on the way home other than, the steering some how was out of alignment. I just couldn't see how that hit in the back would do that to the alignment. So i was thinking about letting another shop look at it before i take it to their shop. I called there shop and they want me to bring it on Monday.
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