AD410 Doorbell Camera - Running extremely hot?


Nov 24, 2017
Howdy all. I just got my AD410 doorbell installed and my family has noticed that it's hot to the touch. I decided to take some measurements and was rather surprised by the temps I'm seeing.

My entryway is in constant shade, the doorbell is never in direct sunlight, and the ambient temp outside at the time of these measurements was 88.2* F.

Is anyone else experiencing similar temperatures to these? It's unsettling, especially considering that Amcrest's stated operating temps for this are "Working Temperature: 14°F ~ 122°F, 20~95%RH".

Front Temp: 107.4* F
AD410 - Front Temp.png

Rear Temp: 132.4* F
AD410 - Rear Temp.png
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Please click on this link for the camera's Technical Specifications. - . Amcrest Team

Carlos, thanks for the response. In the document you linked, it states the same Operating Temperatures that I mentioned in my original post.

Is the operating temperature defined in the manual specifically referring to ambient temperature outside? If so, and the temperatures I am measuring on the device are normal and expected, that is fine.

If the operating temperatures in the manual are referring the maximum temperatures that should be registered on the device, then my AD410 unit is exceeding those by 10.4 degrees F.

Should I be concerned about this?
No, that variance should be okay. However, if it raises any more that that reach out to us by clicking on this link to fill our a Support Form requesting the Doorbell Camera Running Hot. - Amcrest support. Here you will be assigned an Escalation Team Member to help troubleshoot the camera with you. Amcrest Team
No, that variance should be okay. However, if it raises any more that that reach out to us by clicking on this link to fill our a Support Form requesting the Doorbell Camera Running Hot. - Amcrest support. Here you will be assigned an Escalation Team Member to help troubleshoot the camera with you. Amcrest Team

I appreciate the response. I'm actually located in the same area as you, so I'm concerned about what may happen to the temps once the summer rolls around.

Knowing that 132.4*F is an acceptable temperature does provide some peace of mind though. Thanks.