Yes - I see the pickle you are in now. In order to re-IP the router to get yourself away from the conflict with the .1 IP, you are going to need direct physical access to the router. Typically, you would need to connect a computer directly into the router and visit the admin page and then change the IP of the router. Again, keep in mind that the cameras do not need a default gateway IP configured since they only need to communicate with the BI PC. What worries me is that you can't ping the cameras from the BI PC. In theory, the BI PC should have a connection (WiFI) to the Modem and then an ethernet connection to the WiFi router, which the cameras were already connected to and working. Maybe the introduction of the modem and the ultimate IP conflict is what's "breaking" the wifi cameras. The BI computer, what if any protection (firewall, AV software) are you running on it? Having a Windows machine directly connected to the Internet is not a good idea.