Added second Storage drive


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
Minnesota USA
I’m wondering if I need to delete, then Add camera’s with the new non-default Drive letter F:\ and wirh a new unique naming convention. I made 3 folders Inside F:\.Blue Iris...(New,Stored,db)
I need to increase my storage capacity as I am now at 8 days of storage. So after seeing something here about adding a 2nd drive to BI (Optiplex 7010-removed CD-rom .)
I managed to experiment with a 2 TB Seagate from an old Dvr. I changied 4 cameras of video to a destination of F:\Blue Iris\New. Although the motion capture alerts show up in the preview pane, clicking on it results in an error msg. I can see new video data filling up the folder, but i can only access .jpgs and .bvr’s it from windows folder view.


Open the Blue Iris Console

Go To Settings > Clips and Archiving, and just change the drive letter there

Once you do that use windows to copy the existing files from the old drive to the new drive.

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So I see that... Clips and Archiving , but I was trying to split the load and write 50% of the video to 2 drives simultaneously. Maybe thats not a thing. I read that somewhere in here that, playback performance was better because playing recorded video from one drive didn't cause as much overhead in read/writes. Maybe I just need a bigger better single drive? like a 8TB WD purp? I might be asking a 3rd Gen i7 to do too much....with 12 cameras.
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