Advice on "Field Cameras" starting new house construction (no internet for at least 12 months)


Getting the hang of it
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Seattle Area
Hello everyone...

At the headline states, I'm going to start building a new house on a recently cleared parcel up in the mountains. There's no way I can get internet access up there until much later in the process. In the meantime, I want to get some motion-triggered cameras setup at the site to record the goings on. Mostly for "off-hours" in case some things start to walk off the build site.

So my question is...does anybody have a recommendation for a good battery powered field cam? I know they record to SD cards, but was wondering if anyone knows of a model which you can wirelessly pull the video off the card. Reason being, I want to mount the cameras high up on some trees in the property. So it will be a major pain to have to get up on a ladder to retrieve the SD cards each time. I realize that there are wifi-enabled SD cards, but if I'm not mistaken, you need to have the host device powered up to be able to pull files from them. So that won't work (at least I think it won't)

Any thoughts or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Happy 4th Of July to all the folks here in the USA


IPCT Contributor
May 12, 2016
Reaction score
The cameras generally have fairly wide angle lenses, mounting too high won't be that useful. Some models have a locking metal box that you can use with a special locking cable.