Alarm system controlled by home automation system


Sep 23, 2021

I am looking for an alarm system (type tested system from a reputable brand) which can be armed/disarmed remotely, either with an input signal, over ethernet, wifi etc.

I want to be able to arm/disarm the system from my home automation system which is currently running node red, but struggling to find any alarm system which has this functionality.

Was thinking even if there's an alarm system that can be armed via a jumper on the main controller unit, I could hookup a smart relay module to perform this controlled from my system

Does anyone know if such a system exists?
my recommendation is for not depend in one system for controlling your home automation, including security. I being using an old dsc power series alarm + envisalink ethernet interface module for arm/disarm/notifications via app. You may connect any contact from your automation system, directly to any available zone for receiving additional notifications, based on the status of a sensor (water flood, etc)
Thanks for the response. Not sure I follow exactly, can you elaborate on what model hardware you're using?

I'm okay with relying on a reputable type tested brand to handle the PIR/annunciation... I just want to be able to arm/disarm from my home automation system... I'm not a big fan of DIY alarm systems with smart sensors and PCs...
Hi Plus185

I have installed the alarm shown in the link provided. It offers remote setting / unsetting via the secure connect app. i can also see the alarm status remotely and it if it triggered it will send me email notifications and push notifications on the app telling me what zone etc.

There are no annual fees though to get things up and running you have to register as an installer first and then add your self as a user. It suits my needs and am pleased overall.

Programming the unit is via a web based interface (preferable) or via the keypad

I have also attached the manual and if you have a look at "final door set". If you pick an unused zone and use this attribute you could use a smart relay to simulate the contact and set the alarm. But and it might be a big but I'm not sure how you would unset it using this feature. I think alarm company's take the view once it's set you as a legitimate user need to have a specific code, key or fob to unset and any other means of doing so could effect its rating on the grading system. This alarm shown is grade 2.

See attached for your consideration. Personally i think the app is all you will need



As above, if an alarm has an IP module see if there some way, or some project that can control it remotely. Ie for Paradox Alarms, the ParadoxAlamarInterface project exposes PIR and Arm/Disarm state to MQTT so that openhab/home assistant and anything else mqtt can talk to it.

The other major manufacturers may have the same. You could if you really wanted look at which adds a mqtt interface board to an existing alarm, to at the highest level is a replacement for an alarm main board with their own. It was built by people into home automation but still has the advantages of being standalone. Nothing worse than seeing people build their entire alarm out of a home automation system, just seems to be a point of potential failure. Rather than leaving the alarm to do its job, and getting something to just talk to it for updates.
Thanks for the response - I have been reading about the Konnected IO board, seems appealing. Just trying to wrap my head around the system. It appears that when upgrading the firmware the Konnected IO board, it can talk via MQTT with ESPHome.

I have a desktop PC running Ubuntu server. If I install an MQTT broker on it and use node-red to send/receive messages, can I connect to the Konnected IO board via ethernet (I think it's WIFI)? Or do I need additional hardware?
I use a Honeywell Vista 15P with the Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Smart Controller. Then for redundancy and more home automation options I run AlarmDecoder in Linux on a Raspberry Pi powered off DC from the alarm battery. I set up AlarmDecoder with a custom notification for arm/disarm so the alarm system sends a URL to Blue Iris to switch profiles when the alarm is armed to start recording with indoor cams and another to move the indoor PTZ cams into position, then when disarmed it sends another PTZ preset so they point away at the celling and change back to the default profile to stop recording. Cams are able to be viewed on the Tuxedo Touch Controller as well. I also set up AlarmDecoder to send PushOver notifications on alarm events. The Tuxedo Touch and AlarmDecoder both have webservers built in to control the system remotely through a browser, preferably over VPN. Tuxedo Touch will also work with Honeywell's Total Connect 2.0 App.

The Honeywell Tuxedo Touch and AlarmDecoder both have a http API so you can control them with anything that will send a URL. Example below of the Tuxedo Touch's Arm/Disarm string.

-- This service will ARM the System in AWAY/STAY/NIGHT mode.
Example : http://<Tuxedo IP>:<port>/system_http_api/API_REV01/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=AWAY,STAY,NIGHT&pID=1 or 2 or 3...&ucode=Valid User Code&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
-- This command will DISARM The System with the user code entered by the client
Example : http://<Tuxedo IP>:<port>/system_http_api/API_REV01/AdvancedSecurity/Disarm?pID=1 or 2 or 3...&ucode=Valid User Code&operation=set
Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients)
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