Alert Lines Missing and slow response to pull up calendar


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Has anyone experienced where the alert lines in the timeline are missing? My alert images are still in the all clips viewing folder to the left, but they do not show up in the timeline. I tried a restart of BI and then a reboot of the computer and deleted the database and regenerated a new one, and the alert lines showed back up on some of my cameras. They show up on the timeline from after I did a regen and a compact and a database, but not before for many of my cameras. I am also missing some footage and alerts taken prior to the regeneration happening. You can see on this timeline that anything before 4pm isn't showing alerts. The black spaces are when the system was regenerating, compacting, and maintenance.


Also, now when I select the calendar to view playback from another day, the calendar is taking 30 seconds to open up? When I select a previous day, the timeline below doesn't change until I select a clip in the folder, and again for about half my cameras, the alert images are showing in the folder, but they do not show the alert in the timeline below.


On the cameras that are not showing the alerts, even though there are events and recordings, they are not showing up anywhere now and the folders show empty. The alert image shows up in the folder, but not the alert video:


I just updated to the most recent version, but the problem still persists. Anyone experience this or have any suggestions other than what I have tried to bring them back?
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Isn't that what the little orange line at the very bottom shows you, otherwise I believe that multiple alert lines and lightning bolts would be too close together and would look messy.
On the other item, my calendar comes right up almost instantly when I click on the icon. Where is your Blue Iris database stored? As stated next to the path "Important! Database and New should remain on Local/Fast storage". My DB is stored on my C:\ which is an SSD, so that could have something to do with it being so quick to display.
Yes, the lightning bolt alerts in the timeline depending on the amount of alerts can show up a lot - sometimes it is almost all orange if showing multiple days in the timeline. But some of my cameras are showing the alerts for all days it has a recording and other ones don't.

My database is on the fastest drive which is the C: drive and an SSD.

I didn't have a problem with either one until I went to the version that allows substream. But the advantages it has is valuable, I was just seeing if anyone else experienced it or had any ideas from maybe a previous version if they experienced something different.
So you are using sub-streams? I had it set with one camera but there are too many issues right now, so I turned it back off, so it may just be a bug when using sub-streams.
Yeah, I love the substreams - it has brought the CPU way down.

I am thinking it may be a bug with substreams since I didn't have the issue until I used them. I guess I will let it run a few days and decide if I can live with it. If the deleting the database and regenerating it fixes the timeline alerts then I can live with the past ones not being there because they will disappear anyone as they are overwritten. The 30 second delay on getting the calendar to pull up isn't a deal killer, but why it is so slow because of substreams?
I have also noticed the long delay when selecting the calendar.
But the delay is only on the initial calendar click, subsequent clicks are much faster on the same & other cams.