Alerts for Only Part of Recorded Area...?


Getting the hang of it
Jun 22, 2018
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
If one of my cameras showed and triggered recordings in, say, a 50-foot corridor area, where the first 20 feet shows MY property, then the last 30 feet beyond shows the sidewalk and street, could I set up Blue Iris to give me an alert for motion that occurs in that first 20 feet of my property ONLY, ignoring alerting me to the area beyond that?

Obviously I'd only care about being alerted to motion on MY 20-feet of property. Recordings made of motion in the 30-50 foot sidewalk/street areas may only be of interest to my neighbors if they later asked me for the footage. Capiche? Is this possible in something like, I dunno, maybe the zones/hot spot settings or is BI unable to parse or divide alerts triggered by specific recorded area(s)? Thanks folks.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
If one of my cameras showed and triggered recordings in, say, a 50-foot corridor area, where the first 20 feet shows MY property, then the last 30 feet beyond shows the sidewalk and street, could I set up Blue Iris to give me an alert for motion that occurs in that first 20 feet of my property ONLY, ignoring alerting me to the area beyond that?

Obviously I'd only care about being alerted to motion on MY 20-feet of property. Recordings made of motion in the 30-50 foot sidewalk/street areas may only be of interest to my neighbors if they later asked me for the footage. Capiche? Is this possible in something like, I dunno, maybe the zones/hot spot settings or is BI unable to parse or divide alerts triggered by specific recorded area(s)? Thanks folks.
zones see help file


Getting the hang of it
Jun 22, 2018
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
Thanks fenderman. I see now how easy and intuitive that is to set up. Inexplicably, I didn't earlier find those A-G zone settings, which is precisely what I was looking for. This program never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.