All Alerts Today disappeared, also not alerting new ones


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2017
got home, everything was working fine, i pulled in ,alerted my phone, walk by PC, had bunch of alerts from today
30 minutes ago go to backyard and notice phone not being alerted, walked over to PC and all alerts are gone from all days
when i walk by you can see the motion rectangles following you, but no alert, anywhere
might be a version bug...what version are you on?
Same thing happened to me... not know when the prob started I keep updating hoping it will be fixed.
Had a similar issue this week with BI ( Timeline had no tick marks and no alerts which effected all of the BI cameras. However, the cameras were all recording, but when manually triggered would not display a timeline orange tick mark.

In my case, the shield displayed in the top task bar, went from green to red. Changing it back to green solved my issue. However, your scenario maybe entirely different.

In BI settings under "other" and then "Shield & camera pause" and the listed check boxes indicate what items will be paused when the shield is red. For my needs kept all of the boxes unchecked.