Amcrest IP5M-1190EW with Blue Iris - sending .wav files

Respectfully, you need to update you recommend list. "EVERY camera that is in my recommended list in this thread that has a speaker and I use it to play a video file:"

I selected the first one on the list and bought and this is what they shipped. I clicked through to the list as I didn't see the ones listed after suited my needs.

Also, to bigredfish, I bought a Dahua and it said two way talk on the box and when you clicked the microphone on the Dahua app, it said, "function not available". I will keep trying...never give up.

I do think it odd that when I send sound specifically selecting the camera as audio output, you would think no sound would occur. But, it bounce to the PC speaker when I specifically specify the would think it just a dumb stream to the RCA jack, not bounce to the PC.

If the box said "speaker" you bought a different camera than you said you did earlier. Or you got a repackaged box

lets see the box
Dude needs to read the features off the product description on the Amazon or product website instead of making people do the work for him.
Hi, I am back. Your last post is read and digested. What seems to be the issue that can be solved by you is just give me a camera that you know works with BI for sending .wav files. This is a short driveway use case. 90+ degrees is great, spot light great, AI on car and face would be great but not absolutely necessary (I just like the tech). If you know of a camera and it still won't work, I have an environmental issue. Budget dollars...I don't need a $500 camera for this.

From reading a lot of posts, 2-4MP with a sensor large enough to accomplish some low light (but the spot light should be fine for this 25 ft distance late at night). I am using just a small zone, ~20ft out and ~80 degrees FOV.

When I went to multiple links on Amazon, my preferred source and yours, is that links said the camera was no longer available.

Thanks in advance....
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Hi, I am back. Your last post is read and digested. What seems to be the issue that can be solved by you is just give me a camera that you know works with BI for sending .wav files. This is a short driveway use case. 90+ degrees is great, spot light great, AI on car and face would be great but not absolutely necessary (I just like the tech). If you know of a camera and it still won't work, I have an environmental issue. Budget dollars...I don't need a $500 camera for this.

From reading a lot of posts, 2-4MP with a sensor large enough to accomplish some low light (but the spot light should be fine for this 25 ft distance late at night). I am using just a small zone, ~20ft out and ~80 degrees FOV.

When I went to multiple links on Amazon, my preferred source and yours, is that links said the camera was no longer available.

Thanks in advance....

These from the list that I have previously provided are under $500 and work and are in stock:

  • 4K/X bullet - anything within 20 feet of the camera OR as an overview camera. The turret versions have a mic and the 4K/X bullet has two-way audio. These cameras need light and cannot see infrared. Keep in mind the larger sensor does mean the camera has a more shallow focus and has a definite sweet spot for focus and anything closer or further away will be a little soft. It is why most use it as an overview camera to capture color.
  • Color4K-T180 - is a great overview camera and can see 180 degrees left-right, so one on the front of the house can see down the entire front (unless you have obstructions LOL). This camera needs light and cannot see infrared. Most would not use this as an IDENTIFY camera. This camera has two-way audio.
  • 4M-T - Great little active deterrence camera with two way talk. Good for anything within 10 feet of camera or as an overview camera. On the ideal MP/sensor ratio. Basically the 54IR (5442) with the red/blue lights and a speaker. Andy is on holiday and probably why it is out of stock, but you can purchase from his website.
For what you are saying, I think the 4M-T is what you need, which is the 3449 bigredfish linked above.
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I cant find my model decoder ring
Cool, I had the new camera IPC-Color4M-T set up in a minute and looking for the right settings for ONVIF to get announcements working. Curious though, why with a built in speaker, why would the have an audio point dongle on the camera? (two-way talking works fine) from within BI.

If you could please confirm your settings with me I would appreciate that...I see Empire Tech only has one setting. I am playing around with various settings in the Video tab without audio going to the camera. Trying Generic, Amcrest, Dahua, without result.....

Audio doesn't follow ONVIF standards.

Outside of cameras with two-way, it is best to add a camera by typing in the IP address, username, password, and hit find/inspect instead of trying to pull a make/model. Except for the audio ones, all of mine pull up as generic.

This is what works for my 4M-T:


Where mainstream is:


and substream is:


Also, since audio doesn't follow ONVIF standards, the "test" features won't work and you actually have to trigger the camera.

From the help pdf...
Note that when testing, the action set runs in the console UI process. If you are running Blue
Iris as a service in the background, “real” action sets run in the service process, and this can
create discrepancies in what you experience
Audio doesn't follow ONVIF standards.

Outside of cameras with two-way, it is best to add a camera by typing in the IP address, username, password, and hit find/inspect instead of trying to pull a make/model. Except for the audio ones, all of mine pull up as generic.

This is what works for my 4M-T:


Where mainstream is:


and substream is:


Also, since audio doesn't follow ONVIF standards, the "test" features won't work and you actually have to trigger the camera.

From the help pdf...
Note that when testing, the action set runs in the console UI process. If you are running Blue
Iris as a service in the background, “real” action sets run in the service process, and this can
create discrepancies in what you experience
Yep, I used the IP search method to inspect first. Tested with no luck.

Ironically, my current settings are exactly what you displayed. And still no audio going out to the camera speaker.

Triggering on motion, no a 'test'.

Does the camera show it triggered in BI?

What version BI are you on?

Any special characters in your password?
Hmm does it show that being a stable version?

I am on an older version.

Usually it is @ that screws with it.
You do realize you can have the camera do it as well without BI or an NVR?

Although I have no idea why you are having such problems. I ran a whole series of .wav from BI to my camera today to confirm mine was still working!
Ok for the first time, I didn't have the Output check box checked on configuring the sound alert on this camera! Wow....

Thanks for hanging in there with me. Now off to implement the AI features.

I try not be a noob, here and I do have background in software! Nine of use developed grew a software company and sold it to Hitachi Vantara and its now one of there leading data protection and recovery apps, Apple, Amazon, Google all use it....but maybe I still lost any

Thanks again!



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