Another Ring Success Story

This could have been so much worse. Imagine if the girl had believed it was father Christmas or some other fantasy character and he'd given her instructions to undress... I'd say the parents were very lucky and this shows the danger of enabling external network access to internal cameras and also of improperly / unsecured networks in general. I really can't see why they'd need external access to the camera in their daughters bedroom because unless they were leaving her home alone, when they weren't there, she wouldn't be either, and if she was left with eg a babysitter, then live alerts aren't going to be setup anyway as they'd be triggering all the time. It's the kind of camera usage that you use to monitor whilst you're in the house or review when you come home if you have a babysitter in my opinion. If there's no NVR, then it's ripe for SD card storage. I wouldn't be saving any kind of internal footage to the web.
What is a camera doing in an 8-year old's bedroom?
What is a camera doing in an 8-year old's bedroom?

There's been a surge in "nanny Cams" in recent years after several instances of child abuse from babysitters / nannys that's resulted in parental anxiety. It's the same issue you see in the UK where child abduction means hardly any parent allows children to walk to school despite the risk being very very minute. Often these nanny cams are soft toys with hidden cameras inside left on shelves. However, some parents may choose as here to deploy more overt methods in the search for better quality. The issue is you solve one problem and open another can of worms. Even a camera storing footage locally could be abused. eg a babysitter could remove the sd and if recording 24/7 could copy footage of children in indecent states to a phone or ipad. Recording any kind of footage is unsafe in my opinion. There may be some utility in local streaming when a parent is in the house to monitor the child, a bit like the old baby monitors used to with sound alone. However, it needs to be local, not saved and totally disabled if the parent isn't there in my opinion. Effectively you solve one problem and create many other risks.
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Separately, there were quite a few more articles in the news today, seems “hackers” (likely just credential stuffers) are gaining access to Ring cameras and live streaming their pranks on Discord (a popular online audio/video? App). The one’s I saw followed the basic “freak people out by talking to them” script, commenting on their kids or Christmas trees or whatever.
.. pranks on Discord (a popular online audio/video? App). ..

Discord is a popular platform for "chatting" / sharing info - not unlike a hosted forum. ( discord and slack are in the same category for a platform.. useful for many groups and even companies )
Separately, there were quite a few more articles in the news today, seems “hackers” (likely just credential stuffers) are gaining access to Ring cameras and live streaming their pranks on Discord (a popular online audio/video? App). The one’s I saw followed the basic “freak people out by talking to them” script, commenting on their kids or Christmas trees or whatever.

I'm surprised they're doing this as hacking can lead to some quite serious charges. I'm guessing it's teenagers who don't know better. Lets hope they have anonymous accounts that can't be traced although can't be traced is never really usually the case.